“So, Trump can question the faith of others but the Pope cannot question his? “
Uhh, apparently, yes. Trump’s mind operates in a world of it’s own. Not so sure that is a good prescription for what ails the country now, considering our current POTUS.
I wouldn’t have wanted to be a teacher who gave him a bad mark in school, that’s for sure. He goes completely jihadi any anyone that says a word against him and doesn’t let the truth or even logic get in the way of his reprisals (witness his attacks on Scott Walker and Ted Cruz).
I'm a Trump supporter, 100%. His politically incorrect speech has awakened US voters in time to stop the coronations of Jeb and hillary and a "which dynasty do you prefer" election. How else was that going to happen, except by a force of nature disrupting the whole corrupt process?
The current pope isn’t in any position to go questioning anyone.
Nor is anyone who would accord him such authority, given his actions and his words.
I say this as a Cruz supporter.