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To: C19fan; Objective Scrutator; Smokin' Joe; Opinionated Blowhard; Jack Hydrazine; AppyPappy; PGR88; ..

People are not “feral,” or to be called that either.

Animals can be feral. People are not animals. That is a claim made by secular humanists.

It is not wrong to discuss things like higher rates of violent crime or lower academic test scores by black people.

But it is wrong to decide that there is some innate inferiority in black people responsible for both, or either.

That is truly judging people, as Christ commanded us not to judge.

I know there are many Bible-believing Christians who are white and who don’t say or believe such things, and they vote Republican. They know about higher violent crime rates and lower academic scores by black people but they still aren’t going to falsely accuse a race of people on that basis. And following that up by making some acknowledgement like “there are some good ones,” with the assumption being they go “against their nature” somehow, is just as wrong.

Such sin creates blindness, a lack of good fruit, and fails to pursue truth.

The kids in the exclusive, beautiful suburb with great schools that I grew up in, which was and still is 98% white, with a median household income today of $150,000, were vicious and vile during the grades of 6-10, especially the middle school years. Discipline was an issue all day long, and physical fights were frequent. And throughout all the high school years and beyond, there were still all sorts of problems with the kids, including risky behaviors, like trying all manner of drugs and breaking into garages to steal alcohol or actual valuables, preoccupation with having a good time and partying, and rebellion against their parents’ authority.

Given just all that, I don’t see how people can expect inner city kids not to have the problems they do or to be the problems many of them are.

Right now as this story is being posted here, we also hear that the thirteen year-old girl murdered by a Virginia Tech student was a liver-transplant recipient who had also survived other serious illnesses.

Yet she had been bullied in school, and when she left there over it, had also been bullied online.

She was a student at Blacksburg Middle School. Blacksburg, depending on what data you go by, is either 75% or 85% white. It is around 5% black. The largest employer is nearby Virginia Tech. And I see the median income is somewhere around $20,000 to $30,000, which was curious until I saw that almost 60% of the population is between 18 and 24, ten times the rate of the town I grew up in.

I have to say, to the right’s shame, we’ve let liberals be the friends to black people. The overall attitude of the right has been like the cold, indifferent step-parent. The attitude has not, on the whole, been Christian.

And because of that, we’ve sacrificed the truth many times, God’s Truth.

Here’s something to think about. While I don’t uncritically accept psychology as is, I accept that it contains some truths in distorted form, along with half-truths and outright lies.

But one thing with some truth is that a certain percentage of the population is “psychopathic.” Now in the white population, you have the low-income, middle, and high-income classes, and those people with no regard for others are found in every class. But because black people in America, strangers in this land, have been oppressed, most of the black people without regard for other people are going to be lower-income.

And something else to consider, too, is that white people here have generations of being able to rise to positions of authority, like the people in the community I grew up in, paths which were denied to black people until only very recently. And the people, including the children, in those communities, benefitted from that. People learn a lot from those experiences, and from having parents, and neighbors, who have them. People pick up a lot that way, indirectly.

On race, God is an impartial judge. So much was uniquely done to black people in this country over so many centuries, including, yes, up until today. And one major part of it that remains to this day is a large number of people who deny that any real wrong was done to black people, or that if it was, that it matters today. That’s wrong on the face of it.

24 posted on 02/02/2016 11:25:57 AM PST by Faith Presses On (Make this Unborn Children and "The Center for Medical Progress" Awareness Week)
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To: Faith Presses On

Whether Nicole Lovell was bullied in school is irrelevant to the fact that she was murdered by an adult who was mistreating her. All kids get bullied in Middle School. My son played football at BMS and even he had to go through it. It just comes at different degrees.
But the murder points out the willingness of the ferals(which include Keepers and Eisenhauer) to treat human life as if it is insignificant. We have raised a generation of people who are willing to kill without remorse. Which is what animals do.

26 posted on 02/02/2016 11:42:12 AM PST by AppyPappy (If you really want to irritate someone, point out something obvious they are trying hard to ignore.)
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To: Faith Presses On

The kids in the exclusive, beautiful suburb with great schools that I grew up in, which was and still is 98% white, with a median household income today of $150,000, were vicious and vile during the grades of 6-10, especially the middle school years. Discipline was an issue all day long, and physical fights were frequent. And throughout all the high school years and beyond, there were still all sorts of problems with the kids, including risky behaviors, like trying all manner of drugs and breaking into garages to steal alcohol or actual valuables, preoccupation with having a good time and partying, and rebellion against their parents’ authority.”

I raised my kids in a similar community. Sure kids acted up,expecially in middle school(hormones)and some stole——but it was NOTHING compared to what is going on in many inner city schools.

No comparison. None.


27 posted on 02/02/2016 11:42:32 AM PST by Mears
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To: Faith Presses On
People are not “feral,” or to be called that either.

By heir fruits shall ye know them. Feral behavior = feral appellation.

31 posted on 02/02/2016 12:11:31 PM PST by JimRed (Is it 1776 yet? TERM LIMITS, now and forever!)
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To: Faith Presses On

Wow, you wrote a lot there.

But we all know what feral means in this sense.

It means a human who has cast off their veneer of civilization, to be ruled solely by their base passions and urges.

And my God allows me to judge, and judge I will.

34 posted on 02/02/2016 1:02:10 PM PST by T-Bone Texan (The economic collapse is imminent. Buy staple food and OTC meds now, before prices skyrocket.)
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To: Faith Presses On
I am afraid "feral" is an apt term. Meaning "Of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage" from the Latin, ferus, meaning "wild".

Yes, these are people, but they are behaving as animals. Their basic social structure (in this subset of a larger population, not all blacks, whites, or others for that matter) involves submission to a powerful individual within their social circle and following the orders or behavioural lead of that individual: An 'alpha' personality, whatever you call it.

It certainly is not universally so, nor was it so much so in my experience in the past, but most children go through a phase of learning NOT to behave this way some time between grade school and adulthood, even though alpha personalities still will end up in leadership roles. We decide those on different criteria, but they still apply.

During those formative years, adults teach their children a moral code to follow, by which they can judge whether the behaviour of the dominant people in their associations is compliant, and whether they will follow that lead. You see that code applied from the playground to the boardroom, and either people have and follow that moral compass or they do not.

The breakdown we are seeing is in the fundamental teaching of those morals, which was the provenance of parents, family, community, and the Church--whatever denomination was involved. Those are the foundational institutions upon which the character of the individual is built.

Or, at least, they were.

Since the 1960s (and before, I just happened to become aware of it then) I have noticed the increased push by communists (socialists, whatever you want to call the godless totalitarians in the ranks) to have the State (their cronies) raise the children.

When we look at these feral environments and microcultures, we see the fruit of that social experiment, which we are assured has not produced positive results only because the 'right' people were not doing it, and they did not have sufficient funding and or authority.

In effect, these people spent a childhood bereft of the moral education (not ethics, which concern themselves with legalities, but morals, which deal with right and wrong regardless of the criminal code) they should have received from parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, pastors, teachers, and others in their community.

I personally observed the breakdown in social structure of the 1960s, in black communities (done by militants who were associated with the New Left) and the white communities (done with drugs, the hippie movement, peace movement, anti-war, anti-establishment communists, etc) which effectively separated a subset of the youth from their moral roots.

For those of us whose parents fought tooth and nail to remain a dominant influence, the results were different. For those who suffered the neglect brought about in some cases by economic changes which increasingly required a two-income family, the 'latchkey kids', some, but not all feel prey to the predatory influences of disruptive forces which were at the time attacking the foundations of civilization, especially the family.

In many cases, the parents would not relinquish that control over their children.

Prior to that, the blacks I knew attended church,prized education as the way to better their lot and achieve economic success, and were businessmen, members of the parish council, and respected members of the overall community (respected, that is, by blacks and whites as well). They did not view themselves as 'victims' but sought instead to capitalize on growing opportunity. Whites had a similar thing going on.

But let a group of calves wander the draws far from human contact, they grow up wild. (please pardon the animal comparison, but it IS relevant). One bull will be dominant, and the leader.

Someone, likewise will become the leader in a group of children without adult supervision.

That doesn't mean the most moral individual will lead, only that the dominant one will, and without the moral education from their elders and the recombinant effect of that standard imposed by the community (progressively decreased by state intervention), the standard breaks down, immoral behaviour becomes more prominent as personal gratification becomes the standard with no thought for anything but the immediate future or short term goals. Parents, and the community in general, become neutered by the threat of criminal charges for 'abuse' and discipline breaks down. Throw in allegations of "racism" and the threat of career loss, and teachers and others in the community had their hands tied.

All the while that these changes were occurring, the entire mentality of 'victimhood' was being established, partly to obscure a moral compass while masquerading as a moral cause, partly to establish the control of the State and State entities over the children by forcing those previously influential in children's lives to abdicate for fear of prosecution because they were "abusing" the children by disciplining them, being "Uncle Toms and 'race traitors', or 'racists', and subjecting them to prosecution or economic destruction because they were being 'unfair' or 'prejudiced'. Proof fell on the accused, and it is virtually impossible to prove a negative, so none wanted to be so much as accused of racial bias, justified or not.

Almost all of the social and governmental mechanisms which were used to perpetrate these changes were presented as positive programs. Power was seized "for the children", in the name of doing "good" and "helping", but the effect was that people who at best were involved in the lives of their "clients" from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, with holidays off and two weeks vacation a year, no matter how much they were true believers were no substitute for those who were close 24/7/365, and could not replace the very institutions they supplanted. The result was part-time parenting for the first generation, and less for subsequent generations because the morality not instilled in earlier generations was not passed to those who follwoed by the traditional means of child rearing. There have been three generations since then, so the moral decay is more evident than ever.

This isn't limited to any race in America, with the exception of being able to invoke 'victimhood' and 'racism', but where those invocations are present the level of moral decay is most prominent.

With each successive generation of people who are inserted in a supervisory capacity, the level of thinking which reduces their profession to a paycheck rather than a vocation increases, and attitudes become progressively more jaded, with the exception of the genuine clergy whose moral compass keeps them doing what they do for the Love of Almighty God, a cause which no amount of Liberalism can replace.

That this man could not endure in that environment is no surprise. How can one instill morality when their very lifestyle choices belie that?

Despite the politically correct tolerance or even agreement he might receive from those in his circle of acquaintances, those he confronted outside that have a different and fundamentally more honest outlook and are quick to condemn behaviours that are unnatural, regardless of PC. Even though their morals may in other senses seem distorted, homosexuality is not acceptable, and derided as such.

In the remainder of the animal kingdom, those creatures we regard as non-sentinent (lesser animals), there can be no dominance by a homosexual because dominance is (in that case) all about progeny, and homosexuals don't produce any. They will make no genetic contribution to the group.

While we may or may not approve of the way they said it, his students recognized a fundamental and natural truth, and called him on it.

44 posted on 02/02/2016 3:55:31 PM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: Faith Presses On

FPO: No racial grievances in your post is there?

That there are evil feral animals in human form who would have no compulsion whatsoever in abusing another human being on this earth, and especially in this country, is a pretty basic fact.

Ignoring the racial hate that certain blacks feel towards whites and asians (and Hispanics which I am) is ignoring reality. And that reality is more true than vice versa.

You want to pursue truth, then pursue it with real data. Since you claim you’re Christian, you might want to read what 2 Peter 2 has to say about such evil people that I call ferals. (Did the Lord actually use the word “Brute Beasts” to describe people?) Oh my!

We’re coming up on the end of history literally. Christ is about to wrap up this project called “World History”, and He’ll be calling His people Home soon.
Paul wasn’t joking when he wrote 2 Timothy 3:1-9 . The world we live in is full of evil people described like this, and in some nations more so than others.

45 posted on 02/02/2016 5:04:12 PM PST by Roman_War_Criminal (Amnesty advocates call me "Tio Tomas")
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To: Faith Presses On

You’ve been here since 2007, you should know what we mean by “feral” if you’re an honest poster. And yes, people can be feral: just ask the LORD what He said of the Amalekites.

46 posted on 02/02/2016 6:01:23 PM PST by Objective Scrutator (All liberals are criminals, and all criminals are liberals)
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To: Faith Presses On

“People are not “feral”, or to be called that either.”

Oh blow it out your backside...


51 posted on 02/02/2016 7:03:36 PM PST by Lurker (Violence is rarely the answer. But when it is it is the only answer.)
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