Freedom and liberty = prosperity.
EPA and Global dictates = hardship.
So the country with the third highest population in the world uses a lot of electricity?
If some other country used up more electricity for their celebrations than we do, it wouldn’t bother me. It’s not as though they would be taking away electricity that belonged to me.
Quick update: The Goreacle countdown clock at is down to 31 days. Wha' happen Al?
Leftists aren’t happy until most of us are dead, the rest of the plebes in caves, and they’re still sequestered in Manhattan.
1. Just one of Al Gore's homes uses more electricity in one year than my ONLY house will use in 20.
2. On one of his jaunts to Japan, I figured out that Hussein and his entourage burned more fuel than I would in my car in 5 years. His vacation lasted about 2 weeks.
Who is gluttonous and greedy? Hussein and Al Gore and the liberal elites.
Note the liberal mindset that we are guilty for using resources while others are not because they lack the means. Instead of helping those countries develop the means, liberals attempt to shame the ones who have the means.
Who’s to say the third-worlders wouldn’t waste a lot of electricity on Ramadan or whathaveyou if they had the means to do so? They aren’t exactly environmentally conscious with what they are given.
Slate is an insane gathering of insane leftists insanely talking insanely about insanity.
i think we should go for using more electricity on christmas decorations than the rest of the world uses in one year. merry christmas.
Generally, among humans, and especially among Americans, class is determined by consumption. The more you consume, the higher class you are.
There is a subset of conspicuous consumption for those that are environmentally nuanced who are compelled to use renewable energy and drive electric cars because they are more expensive.
Other terms used for these are limousine liberals or BoBos(bourgeois bohemians).
Conspicuous consumers are offset by Spartans, who are "marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort". For the Spartans, lots of Christmas lights is merely "keeping up with the Joneses".
Waste not, want not: if you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance, you will never be in need.
Just what is this relevant to? Why are they wasting the electrons to create such drivel?
So what.
“America: What a country!” (Yakov Smirnoff)
With all this #gratitude, it seems like an appropriate time for a quick reminder that beneath the veneer of holiday goodness, we’re all still horrible, gluttonous people. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I do not feel the least bit guilty.
During the darklest days of the year, we offer light so we can see our way past evil and negativity. This offering transcends ALL religions in the USA, and it is made by people from many different faiths.
Such LIGHT reflects the freedom of the People.
And so, no politically correct guilt should be entertained in any way.
Personally I will never shirk from offering light in the midst of darkness. This is “luminosity principle.”
It is just something that Americans do, its just in our nature as Americans to light the way.
I use the white icicle lights inside on my porch year round. I just like the low soft white light.
I’m surprised they didn’t try to make the argument that putting up Christmas lights contributes to climate change.
I'll ship these off to Ethiopia. Phew! Another crisis solved.
Environmentalists are nuts. Through their forced recycling programs in many locations, they have turned us into a country that routinely washes it’s trash as it is thrown out, so odors is suppressed and vermin isn’t encouraged.