Out of the mainstream candidates, Rubio has the best personality, and on many issues he is more conservative than Jeb and the Wannabies are.
Hallelujah from the Amen choir...Trump is just creaming them!! take that Megyn and O’reilly
Looking at that poll, Rubio is the highest of those who are GOPe candidates. 8.2% is nothing compared to the majority against him.
Re #5:
People forget how conservative Rubio is. They cherry pick issues they’re not happy with him about. I myself got pissed last night regarding a comment he made on supporting Turkey/NATO. But he’s still way more conservative than any but Cruz.
I won’t be voting for Rubio in the primaries but if he pulls out the nomination (far more likely he will then Jeb) I’d certainly vote for him. At least he’d make good court appointments.