Don't buy EU products. They're only too happy to sell it in the 'occupied territories'. Let them try selling their beer to the palis. Support the Girlcott. Buy Israeli.
Girlcott. Investment. Bonuses.
I’ve been defending the E. U. against the Islamic hoards, but the truth be told, the E. U. has been spiraling back towards antisemitism and it’s disdain for rational thinking related to Israel is palpable. They can’t blame that on the followers is Islam. They’re just rotten thinkers.
Europe is pretty much a lost cause.
The EU is getting hit by a tsunami of shi’ite, and sunna or later they will stem the tide or be drowned. I suppose their last words will be to denounce the Jews, Israeli or otherwise.
Israel needs to tell the Americans and European nations to knock it off and keep their corrupt hands off of Israel. Then they need to drill for the largest oil field in the Golan Heights and to drill for the gas in the leviathan gas area and undercut the Russian and Islamic nations that overcharge the world so that Europe could buy oil at much lower prices in Israel. And much of their monetary policy would be taken care of by the God of Israel they yet will come to know when Jesus returns to save them from all their enemies world wide. It would be the end of the evil left wing governments who rob and pillage people worldwide.
What next, make jews wear the star of david?
FYI, I've also heard the term "buycott" used.