He's running the best Facebook campaign of any of the candidates. He answers questions on Facebook every night.
The people that I know who are supporting him are religious, social conservatives, and very vocal on Facebook.
Carson makes imprudent statements and his supporters, just like Trump's, forgive him.
One thing that Carson does not do is insult the other candidates, which means that he has a greater potential for gaining the support of the other candidates' supporters when the other candidates drop out.
Trump could learn something from Gentle Ben.
And FWIW, I'm a Cruz supporter, and I will gladly vote for either Trump or Carson if they receive the nomination.
Facebook is a formidable force today.
Knowing someone interactively gets forgiveness for a lot of oddities that would be no-go’s to someone you only know in text or video snippets. Face it... if either was an active Freeper that person’s popularity here would go WAAY up.
One nuance that might get lost in some of Carson’s statements is what is a statement of perceived prudence and what is a statement of suggested governing policy. They don’t have to be the same. Still, even if one expects this trans thing to be a visible factor for a long time to come, one could suggest a prudence of unisex restrooms. Less convenient for men, but everyone knows what to expect going into it.
I’m a Cruz voter,. but saying how Carson does not insult or he is religious when he clearly has not ran anything tells me that some people have learned nothing after these last few years.
People voted for Obama based on emotion, and he too had never ran anything in his life and now we have the same on our side who support Carson who vote on emotion.
No wonder this country is in a mess when people vote not based on the best person for the job based on background, but vote based on emotion or being a nice man etc.
“One thing that Carson does not do is insult the other candidates”
What he insults is the Holy Bible by saying whacked out things like the pyramids being built to store grain, when there is ample evidence to the contrary. Even the leaders of the Seventh Day Adventists say he’s out of left field with that one and on his own. He’s also a pathological liar when talking about abortion.This man referred women who wanted to abort their children to abortionist friends of his. He freely admits it and sees nothing wrong with it. He also sat on the board of CostCo and Kellogg as a director for almost 20 years, and at the same time the two companies were donating millions to the abortion industry all over the world. This good friend of Bill Clinton, who left the republican party because he got mad when his good friend was impeached, is a fake and fraud and nothing in the world but Fox News/GOP establishment latest puppet to try and drive Trump out of the race.