This. Exactly.
Forgive me if this offends anyone, but: when we have a proven, brilliant conservative such as Sen. Cruz, why do people get so ga-ga about Trump (I love his ability to make the liberal establishment—GOP and otherwise—mad, but... come on, now...) and Carson (nice guy, brilliant surgeon, no chance in the world that he’d be a good president—he’s all over the map)?
I enjoy decisive conservative commentary (and smack-downs of liberal elites) as much as anyone... but there’s a big difference between “putting on a show” and “leading (what used to be) the free world”. With a bonafide like Cruz, how can people get so distracted by the “smack-down liberals on political reality TV” stuff? I swear, people have thrown away their brains and let their emotions run their lives (and their choices).
When people give up their reasoned judgment in favor of a gushing, gasping version of, “Oh...! OH!!! He’s saying JUST what I wanted for SO long for SOMEONE to say! What a relief! He has MY vote!”, I really start to despair for my country...
Cruz isn’t getting much air time. Trump can command it because he gets higher ratings and is rich and famous.
On the other hand, Cruz is intentionally ignored, most likely because the media fear his talent, but I’m sure his political enemies are showing their influence as well.
“Forgive me if this offends anyone, but: when we have a proven, brilliant conservative such as Sen. Cruz, why do people get so ga-ga about Trump”
Because Trump gets results. Or maybe you will notice that Jeb Bush went from inevitable to having to go cry to his mommy and daddy for money.
Trump also introduced an agenda into the race that actually tapped into real issues that we care about, and not just engage in a whose conservative sausage is bigger, nor is he trying to pull a stunt of just keeping quiet and making no waves.
And thirdly he has combated the press far more than any GOP candidate since Reagan. Not by shrugging his shoulders and saying “Oh that’s just how they are”. He takes it to them and doesn’t apologize for it.
You know, that stuff we kept complaining that the GOPE didn’t do.
“Brilliant conservative” is just elitist baloney masking as a winning trait. People want action, not to get squishy because someone made a pedantic point like this is a debating society.
“When people give up their reasoned judgment in favor of a gushing, gasping version of, Oh...! OH!!! Hes saying JUST what I wanted for SO long for SOMEONE to say! What a relief! He has MY vote!, I really start to despair for my country...”
Jesus..... Well have fun talking yourselves to death, because all of the brilliant soft-spoken crap has gotten us jack squat.
The left doesn’t care about that. They will let you make your little point, and then they will sock you right in the face. Sorry, but political reality is what it is.
Excellent. Thanks for your post.
You have summed up what I have been seeing for some time now, but couldn’t quite put it in words. Great post.
I have been for Cruz from day one, clearly the most principled conservative, and with the track record to prove it. The Trump mania hasn’t diminished that one iota.
Because as much as Ted rails against his own party he’s still part of the elected class. I agree Cruz is hands down the best candidate we have, and I was a Walker supporter, but don’t blame people for wanting to vote for a non-politician like Trump. We’ve had enough crap thrown on us by elected Republicans. You hardcore Cruzers need to keep that in mind before going off on fellow conservatives for not supporting your guy.
Well said. Many have left reasoning behind to follow a candidate who excites their emotions.
“when we have a proven, brilliant conservative such as Sen. Cruz”
Not offended, totally agree. He should be much higher in the polls. Mark Levin says Cruz is the most conservative candidate. Don’t know why he doesn’t endorse him now, Rush too!
The American Idol Showman Presidential candidate for prime time, Donald Trump.
Many so-called conservatives have gone gaga over Trump because of emotions and have forgone their true convictions and values.
It’s all about ratings now.