To: DoughtyOne
Recycling also always costs more. Add into that the mandate to homeowners to recycle or be fined and you have government tyranny for its own sake. It is a “religion” to these people and has nothing to do with saving money.
12 posted on
10/04/2015 12:08:38 PM PDT by
(Pelosi is only on loan to the world from Satan. Hopefully he will soon want his baby killer back)
To: packrat35
25 posted on
10/04/2015 1:04:31 PM PDT by
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: packrat35
That seems like a fair assessment.
31 posted on
10/04/2015 1:56:29 PM PDT by
(It's beginning to look like "Morning in America" again. Comment on YouTube under Trump Free Ride.)
To: packrat35
Recycling also always costs moreNot always. I used to work in a steel mill (60 years ago) that did a lot of "recycling" before the term was invented. That is, we mixed a lot scrap steel into the molten iron that went into the converter.
In general, though, you are correct. Recycling is pretty much of a loser. If it paid off, it wouldn't need to be a religion. People would do it because it was profitable.
61 posted on
10/04/2015 5:57:38 PM PDT by
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