In Hewitt's Trump interview he kept saying that he was not trying to ask gotcha questions and you could not help conclude that is what he was doing. He would not stop mentioning gotcha questions.
Then after the Trump interview he brought in Fiorina and he kept asking her if she thought he was asking gotcha questions. That is like asking the thief if he has ever stolen anything. This was Fiorina's opportunity to pile on Trump and she did with great finesse.
So the entire interview was about asking gotcha questions, all the while saying that this is not about gotcha questions. Makes me laugh. Hewitt and Megyn Kelly must have compared notes.
Pompous @$$.
Why is it that I don’t believe him???
Couldn’t be that he is a hack, could it????
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Who is 7th in line of succession? What is the 27th line of the Constitution? Who is third in command of ISIS?
I wouldn’t put it past him to tell Carley’s people when setting up the interview what he was going to ask - just to make Trump look bad (ane gain points with the GOPe.}
He is just like a prick
The way the show that included Trump was handled including Fiorina afterwords was so transparently FAKE, a play following a script. Hewitt is a great fan of Shakespeare... And he put on a show.
Never memorize something that you can look up.
— Albert Einstein
Obama would never be asked such a question, because he is on a first name basis with terrorists and American haters.
Hugh you 15 minutes are over
Trump doesn’t know how to fold hotel towels, but he knows how to run an empire of hotels.
Trump is a master strategist.
Interpretation: “I can’t be wrong.”
Nonsense. Kelly flung filibustered accusation after accusation. Hewitt asked relevant foreign policy questions.
Hewitt considers Islamic terror and the situation in the Middle East to be paramount presidential concerns and asks keystone questions to determine the level of knowledge on the subject. A question he always asks is Did you read The Looming Tower? A question he asks of liberals is Do you believe Alger Hiss was a communist?
Tough questions, yes. Gotchas, no.
I was appalled at Kelly in the debate. I was embarrassed for Trump when he made the gaff during the Hewitt interview, but honestly, Trump made a pretty good save. His post-interview attacks on Hewitt were misguided.
Hewitt the pompous ass who told us all how wonderful President Romney would be
Poor maggot kelly and huey hewitt: tried to kill the king, but only made him stronger.
Look for HH to be the ‘conservative’ token on MSM panels for the next year.
Hewitt has 0 credibility.