Right again
Ii have never really liked Trump—in fact I don’t think there’s a politician anywhere, since Ronald Reagan, that I thought was worth a D#mn!
No, NOT a letdown. I definitely see Trump’s reasoning here. By claiming that the Kentucky county clerk has to follow the law, Trump can later claim that the MANY sanctuary cities have to obey immigration law. I definitely see this happening.
Both GOP front runners Trump and Carson are big disappointments on this. They both opposed the Supreme Court ruling on this previously but seemingly have forgotten. Carson in particular who has been the target of gay hate should know better. If they don’t understand the problem with the lawless Supreme Court then they don’t deserve to be President.
I hope this is just a matter of them not being educated on the issues. You expect submission from Jeb Bush to the powers of darkness which owns him but these guys need to get with it and step up against the lawless abuse of power by the SCOTUS. Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee have been the leaders on this issue and it will not be going away and for me endorsing power abuse by the Supreme and federal courts is a deal breaker no matter how much I agree on illegal immigration.
Not a let down. Gay marriage is the law of the land. If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to work for the government. The Iran deal can’t be just be torn up and tossed away, without endangering lives. One of the reasons that it’s such as bad idea by the way.
Trump has said more than once he would strictly police the Iran deal which means he will force them into non compliance which will be easy and then tear it up and put the sanctions back on and try to shut down the money windows.
Trump has not changes his stance on the Iran deal. I have heard him say this over and over - so, this is a fallacy. And, he is right - you can’t just tear up that deal - you have to find the weaknesses in it and correct the wrongs.
Gird your loins, Trump supporters. After he signed that garbage yesterday, the attacks are only getting to get worse. Even Yahoo News is concerned he might be betraying you.
Trump needs to learn about how the Constitution and ONLY those laws “IN PURSUANCE” of the Constitution are the Supreme law of the land (Art IV, Cl 2).
Trump is teachable.
Lord, teach him, I pray, in Jesus name.
not a shock
Ok, that is the last I will defend him. I wasn’t voting for him anyway, but now I will stay silent while the attackers attack. He is of no interest to me.
If the Kentucky clerk is in jail for failing to follow the law, why is Hillary Clinton still free and running for president?
He is a GOPe lackey.
It is amazing to read the comments of the Trump supporters. Every one has some idea about what Trump REALLY means, and how he will really turn it around and do something super conservative, and we are all too dense to see how smart Trump really is in all of this...
I am just waiting for the day that Trump suggests that government hospitals should do third-trimester abortions specifically so we can lower the deficit by selling the baby parts. I know that there will be dozens of Trump supporters gushing about how smart and conservative that is, and why didn’t anybody ever think of that before!
And the homosexual marriage? What is he to do? Be a martyr? Not in the cards.
I don't like these either but not sure what one does different at this point except deal with it. Enforce the deal that Obama reached and, with homosexual marriage, how about a different tact, get government out of it and leave "marriage" a matter of the church.
Ihe Extreme Court’s decision is *not* a law. Its an opinion... in this case, an ideological belch.
Ughh..wrong answers.
Trump is beginning to change my mind about Trump. My inclination is to support him because the guy is infuriating all the right people. But I’m starting to get my bearings. Instead of looking at them, I’m beginning to look at him.