It is amazing to read the comments of the Trump supporters. Every one has some idea about what Trump REALLY means, and how he will really turn it around and do something super conservative, and we are all too dense to see how smart Trump really is in all of this...
I am just waiting for the day that Trump suggests that government hospitals should do third-trimester abortions specifically so we can lower the deficit by selling the baby parts. I know that there will be dozens of Trump supporters gushing about how smart and conservative that is, and why didn’t anybody ever think of that before!
Aside from the mind reading thingy, there is the double facepalm...
We have seen supporters in denial before. IF this is in fact what he said (because reporters need to be verified), then the facade may be cracking.
It’s exactly what alot of the same people were saying about justice Roberts. Declaring that Obama care was legal was a brilliant strategy that we were all to stupid to see and he would fix it all later.