When can we start prosecuting and jailing fags for Crimes Against Nature?
And meanwhile Lois Lerner, Smigle (head of IRS), and Hilliary all walk free...
Latest: 5 of 6 deputies agree to issue licenses. Davis’s son is the deputy who says he still won’t.
Boycott Kentucky...especially their sporting events...even at their away games.
And so it begins...
This is who a judge sends the federal marshals after.
Never anybody in the Obama administration breaking countless laws
Health Risks of the Homosexual Lifestyle
The current media portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships is that they are as healthy, stable and loving as heterosexual marriages or even more so.1 Medical associations are promoting somewhat similar messages.2 Sexual relationships between members of the same sex, however, expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span. There are five major distinctions between gay and heterosexual relationships, with specific medical consequences. They are:
The 14th Amendment does not entitle the Federal government to usurp powers not enumerated in the Constitution.
Is there anyplace I can send her a donation?
This poor woman needs all the encouragement that can be offered to her, along with a lot of sympathy cards, gifts (flowers and desserts, for example), and visits from well wishers. A defense fund may need to be started to help with legal costs.
Why don’t those couples just find another county clerk’s office? Their marriages will be recognized regardless of which county issues them. This is the right time and place for Hillary Clinton to say “What difference does it make?”
And Hillary is still walking around free.
Gaystapo thugs.
What about all these demorats that have been held in contempt of congress? Did U.S. Marshals haul them off to jail?
Prayers for her and her family.
In contempt of an order to issue a license that does not exist under state law.
The court is in contempt of reason.
And faggots at the Vatican walk it back
Just great
I was ready to declare kind ambivalence por Il Papa
Silly me