From your posted article worth noting.....
“Forty years ago, the Veritas Foundation (headed by President Theodore Roosevelt’s son Archibald) published a staff study on The Great Deceit, Social Pseudo-Sciences, which carefully documented the Fabian Socialist assault upon the American Social Sciences and legal system during the first six decades of the past Century. After dealing at length with the antics of former Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter—whom Roosevelt’s father once compared to Leon Trotsky (ibid.., p.295)—the study described the birth of the ACLU”
This is the beginning of the Fabian takeover (Marxist) of the USA. As Sugar Keynes of Harvard (a Fabian) stated-—he and his homosexual “friends” who were raping all the boys and even castrating ones in third world countries—and bragging about it in letters that can be read today-—stated that they would make this “Love” that dare not be spoken-—”normal”.....the infiltrating Marxists did that just recently with the use of unjust, perverted “law” by the Marxists planted on SCOTUS.
We have had unjust (unconstitutional) laws that promote Vice and censorship of Religion and Traditions for 100 years-to erase God and Christianity off the map so our children will be raised to believe “snow is black” and boys are girls—and it is Stalin’s Constitution—never ours.
The Fabians actually flipped Good and Evil over the period of a century-—(Evil is promoted in all public schools for the last 30 years) to make Satanic (Stalin’s) Ethics the ethics of America in our posit a satanic, evil worldview in our children-—that collective, group think where base emotions reduce us to godless animals.
They virtually removed Chrsitian Ethics (demonized and marginalized everything to do with Jesus Christ in art/movies/public “schools”) which basically perverted our Constitution and Truth-—which is the basis of our Individual Natural Rigths (from God).
Removing God (unconstitutional) makes the State into god for totalitarianism and a collective (dependent) culture where there is no individual natural rights for anyone but the elitists who are our masters and dictate Good and Evil perversions to us.
Did you see where they are now trying to purge any religious appeals in athletic coaching motivation? They have gotten away with outright insanity for far too long.