I’m glad he’s taking this on. This is a big problem.
What the ‘fraud’ technology companies do....is require people to pay a hyped up price for their products...when they utilize anywhere from ten-percent to a quarter of their manpower with H-1B visas...who they typically pay less than the American workers. It’s a simple business practice.
If you want to end this game....just mandate that engineer X (H-1B) must be paid as much as engineer X (from the US). You’d be shocked how quick the H-1B interest would draw down within the HR management crowd. Any state legislature (why not California) could easily mandate this. Since they’ve got all peppy on the $15 an hour minimum wage....this should be a peppy topic to take on as well.
My goodness that is really really what is racist.
The left pays them less becuase they are mexican?
Crazy mixed up.
Another home run for Mr. Trump! These snotty Leftist billionaires are replacing the American workers that made them rich with cheap foreign labor and lobbying that even more H1B visas be granted.
Americans who don’t approve of this shabby treatment of our citizens should sell their stock in these companies and boycott their services.
This guy is freaking amazing.
“Fwd.us” is code for ‘high class sweat shop....’
or - as we might call it ...
slavery lite...
While I question his authenticity,Yet you have no problem using his name in your title to get suckers to read your anti-Trump trash while agreeing with him.
Guess who the fraud is in this picture?
A better plan would be give businesses some type of tax break for employing Americans citizens or place the h-1b visa holder in a higher tax bracket.
Forcing businesses to pay higher wages could end up in businesses just exporting the jobs to India and China. I would rather the jobs still remain in America.
We need an H-1B visa quota foe young attractive people from all over the world to work in TV journalism at 50% wages. That'll get some attention.
We need an H-1B visa quota for young attractive people from all over the world to work in the USA in TV journalism at 50% wages. That'll get some attention.
Ouch! Techies like Zuckerberg and Mayer like to fly a bit below the radar. The Donald calling them out will not be appreciated I’m sure.
Thats a game they play, you write the advert around the candidate so closely that no one else qualifies. They've been doing that for years. Companies have never had any problem hiring the foreign workers they want. You just make speaking Telugu and five years of post-grad education a requirement and nobody working his way up in your company is likely to qualify.
[Enter Mark Zuckerburg AKA Facebook to team with Fox Network for the republican ‘fair and balanced’ debates.
He is the man who has donated 992 million shares to push the agenda of Planned Parenthood via Silicon Valley Community, another left leaning organization.
He is also a big supporter of Net Neutrality and that also will be supported and run through and supported by the Silicon Valley Community to donate money to candidates who agree with that policy.
He is also the man who donates to candidates, from both sides of the political spectrum who side with his views on amnesty for undocumented aliens and goes so far as to pay for college expenses for those illegal aliens.
Those donations to either republicans or democrats are or will, I expect, will be selected through the Silicon Valley Community.
This brings in question or perhaps explains the unprecedented number of republicans running for the presidency in ‘16.
Did the RNC receive any donations from ANY entity of Mark Zuckerburg?
Did any candidate of the Republican field of candidates receive any donations from ANY entity tied to Mark Zuckerburg?
Has Fox Network been compromised by ANY outside entity in effort to suppress the Conservative Movement?
Fox Network is already using left wing polling organizations other than Facebook to help determine whom shall be elevated to prominence in OUR Republican election and these questions should, at least, be asked.]
(pimping part of my post from July 13, 2015)
Go get ‘em Trump. Zuckerburg, Soros et al are waging an all out war on our election process.
Good for Trump.
This is an issue that has long been stirring discontent in the engineers and workers of Silicon Valley ( and other tech sectors). If the Donald taps into this it will get him votes from interesting places
There’s another factor here that is even more maddening. These employers are committed to “diversity.” If they can’t find domestic minorities, they import them. Here’s an example from my own experience: I worked in several state universities supported by the taxpayers. Search committees at these universities went out of their way to get H1-B visa types to fill open positions. Chinese and immigrants from India were favorites. Communist Chinese, even. I sat in interviews of these people. They could barely speak intelligible English. Their qualifications weren’t superior to the Americans who applied for the positions—far from it.
But, they were preferred so these university administrators could demonstrate that they were committed to diversity. This is even a required qualification for jobs in these places. You have to “demonstrate a committment to diversity.” It isn’t just about depressing wages; it’s about bragging that you have more minorities than whites on your staff. Look at the websites of major corporations. Who are depicted and have prominent positions in web page displays of company employees? Anybody but white bread Americans.
It isn’t enough to argue that forcing employers to increase wages will end this practice. You have to tear down the entire, rotten diversity, affirmative action superstructure that is the underpining of the H1-B visa program. Nobody addresses that at all.