Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did I miss?!
He said there was “blood coming out of her eyes.” I see now that he also added “blood coming out of her wherever.”
Who decided what “wherever” means something hormonal?
Even if it did. We know PMS is a standing topic of ridicule.
Women’s liberation today is trying to stand in two opposing niches at the same time. Deserving of men’s indulgence and yet equal in stature to men. Ladies you got to pick one or the other. Unfortunately for this game, biology still has a vote!
Hey nikos, its clear what he meant I watched it. He needs to be more of a gentleman. Ok he tweeted some stupid things in the past, now grow up and change the country for the better Donald.
>>>He said there was blood coming out of her eyes. I see now that he also added blood coming out of her wherever<<<
Another Poster said it was a Phone Interview and he didn’t even finish the “wherever” word, it just trailed off.
He then he made the same Blood in the Eyes comment regarding Wallace, who may or may not have a Uterus.
“Who decided what wherever means something hormonal?”
Who? A lot of people that can’t grasp that they have been subtly and completely brainwashed by media hogwash for decades. Even those who consider themselves Conservative will fall for these “bells” of feminist garbage like Pavlov’s dogs.
If one believes in free speech instead of just giving it lip service like so many so-called Conservatives; there is no “off limits” to what one can say. There isn’t a word in the dictionary that some nutjob wouldn’t be offended by. That’s why all this pc nonsense is just that; nonsense and it has no end.
Megyn Kelly is a hard-nosed, irreverent, snide, sometimes vulgar person. She whines about insults to feminism while openly insulting all that is feminine by just being who she is and demanding special treatment and concessions just because she’s a woman. True to form, slavering trained seals like Fitz drop and give her what she and her cohorts want. Dazed and confused, they insert words where they weren’t spoken and attribute statements to the wrong people because they know that millions like them will hear the “bells” and react just the way the media hypnotists want them to.
Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly are cut of the same cloth. One is angling for a career boost that the other has already achieved many times over. If ruthlessness is considered an admirable trait in a news anchoress; why not in a Presidential candidate? In Trump and Kelly’s case, the only difference is that one is unapologetic(that’s why Trump is being admired) and one is underhanded and expects special treatment when she demands it.
Men,have been effectively de-manned by the media and society; trained in their responses to the point of reflex.
“Blood coming out of her wherever?” According to Liberal, pc, Megyn Kelly doesn’t have a “wherever” that should be a consideration for anything she does. It’s all relative. If Donald Trump has to check his “wherever” and “whatevers”, then so should Megyn Kelly.