Posted on 07/05/2015 9:00:28 AM PDT by Impala64ssa
The New Black Panther Party and the Ku Klux Klan both scheduled hate rallies at the South Carolina state Capitol on the same day, July 18, and neither side appeared to be willing to consider rescheduling.
According to Black Educators for Justice member James Mohammed, the NBPP would be out in full force at its rally.
Likewise, USA Today reported earlier this week that the KKK left the following message on its answering machine: We will be at the statehouse in Columbia, S.C., standing up for our Confederate history and all the southerners who fought and died against federal tyranny.
This unfortunate coincidence in timing could inevitably lead to quite the brouhaha, especially given that both hate groups function in 180-degree opposition to one another.
The NBPP preaches anti-white hate, while the KKK preaches anti-black hate. Mix the two and, well, theres bound to be a lot of hate and perhaps even some violence.
Whats sad was that both groups were essentially acceding to the wishes of suspected Charleston shooter Dylann Roof, who allegedly murdered nine black men and women in an attempt to incite a race war.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley reportedly told the KKK that it was not welcome in her state. At the time she made the announcement, however, she apparently wasnt aware of the NBPPs plans (H/T Breitbart).
The truth is that neither the NBPP nor the KKK should be welcomed in South Carolina. Both groups espouse nothing but racial hatred, and the last thing we need in Barack Hussein Obamas America is more animosity.
Bet Obama orchestrated this.
Will The Senator Robert Byrd Memorial Battalion of the KKK make the trip from West Virginia to South Carolina?
Byrd’s boys versus the Black Pampers?
It’s something like watching Al Sharpton rassle a rabid skunk on crack, or a muslim intramural firefight.
There are no losers, only winners.
Now here's an interesting thing. Wikipedia articles about organizations usually include a list of famous people who belonged to that organization. For example, the Eagle Scouts entry contains a list of famous Eagle Scouts.
But the Wikipedia article on the KKK contains no such list. I guess that's just an innocent oversight.
The current administration will send troops to protect the panthers and put down the kkk.
Note that the NAACP supports the Democrat Socialist Trotsky party.
Two racist organizations? A pox on both houses.
She should go to Waco, observe, and then return and jail all there on both sides for months
Half of the KKK are probably undercover FBI, a portion of the Black Panthers, is probably just off duty FBI.
We had Black Panthers in the military.
Won't work. No Harleys to confiscate.
Oh Lord, what a colossal set-up. Is the SPLC going to hire more KKK guys?
Breaking News......Bed Bath & Beyond will no longer be selling white sheets. (sic)
Both groups tried the same nonsense in Jasper, TX during the trial of the punks who dragged James Byrd to death. The good people of Jasper, both Black and White, laughed them out of town. Hopefully the good people of Charleston follow that example.
In that church are the seeds of destruction for both of those groups. I hope at least for some those seeds are sown, otherwise this is just an abomination.
To the NBPP, if you are white, there is no distinction between you and the KKK.
I have spent my entire adult life looking down on the KKK. The very concept of racial supremacy angers me.
This resides in the back of my head and influences me across a spectrum of things that take place and I react to.
Surprisingly enough, the biggest recruiter for the KKK is not some White bastard in a pointy headed robe. It’s the very people who are the focus of the KKK.
Yesterday I was reading a number of articles here. I was following links and looking around, learning the lay of the land.
As I did this, I wound up on a web site that I don’t even know the name of. It was a Leftist site and it was a supposed Black interest site. What I found made me sad.
One Black woman passing herself off as young, educated, successful and a thinker, was expressing yet again the attitude of a person who has seldom been proud of the United States. So here I was looking at a women who was outwardly very attractive, an inwardly extremely ugly.
During her presentation she admitted that she had only been proud of the United States four times in her life. Two of those times were when Barack Obama was elected. One time was when the SCOTUS ruled to destroy traditional marriage and replace it with a hodgepodge of perversion. I believe the fourth time was when Obamacare was ruled on. I may be wrong on that one. Whether I am or not, does this remind folks of anyone else? Michelle???
Here she was, a seeming beautiful women who had achieved success, and yet she admitted to seldom if ever appreciating the nation that provided the environment for her to achieve that success.
Simmering under the surface was racism. She would be aghast if she knew I was saying that, but there’s only one reason not to love this nation. It’s because of slavery and Whites.
Never mind that Whites facilitated the end of Slavery. They only warrant credit for Slavery, not the ending of it. Blacks don’t warrant credit for their part in it, and are never held accountable.
What do Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, the Knock Out Game, our current president, his wife, and this woman have in common? The fact is, they and their supporters are all racists.
They hate Whites. There is so much pent up anger in these people that it is clear there is a whole continent of support for this hatred just inches under the surface here in the United States. In places that continent surfaces, and when it does we get all sorts of acting out.
This isn’t isolated. It’s more than a cottage industry. It’s massive. The sub-culture is seething. It’s plain for all to see. Even people of color and substance who have made of success of themselves, take pride in this hatred.
It’s not Whites pushing for the KKK to rebound. I don’t know one White that approves of it.
It’s Blacks who drive it’s existence. I would like to see a world where the 10% among us would join the 65-70% among us to live together in peace.
People like this woman don’t want that. They want an all out culture war. And if you think that’s based on a peaceful pathway, you’re just not paying attention.
The Knockout Game is national. The violence of large mobs of Black thugs is real. It is not rare.
I wonder if the young Black woman I’d like to know even if only for her outward appearance can grasp any of this. The answer is clear, but I still have to raise the question.
Her hatred is staring back at her from a mirror. There is a white pointy head. It is the actual reflection of her soul. She does not recognize her real self.
I wouldn’t want either.
guarantee you it will be around 100 degrees that day.
That should help.
This is a liberal delusion.
Democrats versus Democrats. Kind of a Shia / Sunni thing.
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