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Karl Rove surrenders to ObamaCare
The Hill ^ | May 8, 2015 | By Brent Budowsky

Posted on 05/08/2015 7:19:22 PM PDT by Jim Robinson

It is with great pleasure that I rise in praise of Karl Rove, who now largely agrees with me that Republicans should place into the dustbin their bogus proposal to repeal ObamaCare.

In my recent column in The Hill, "The 'Clinton Cash' con," I suggested that the new book by Peter Schweizer proves absolutely nothing on the matter of whether Hillary Clinton committed any wrongdoing, and it is a con to suggest or imply otherwise. I add today a discussion of another con game by Republicans, the suggestion that they will repeal ObamaCare, which they know they will not do, but pretend they will to give red meat to the right-wing base; a promise they know they will not keep.

And now comes Rove, on the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal and the other places he inhabits, telling Republicans (correctly) that their pledge to repeal ObamaCare is a bad and politically stupid idea. Rove's acknowledges (correctly) that it will not be repealed, and warns Republicans (correctly) they could pay a heavy price with voters if the Supreme Court overturns ObamaCare and Republicans have to face endless news stories about the bad things that happen to Americans if ObamaCare is overturned or repealed and Republicans have nothing to offer instead (which they don't). I believe Chief Justice John Roberts and a Supreme Court majority will uphold ObamaCare in its upcoming and monumental decision. I believe the court will agree with me that the legislative intent of the law is clear, that all exchanges should receive subsidies, and that they will agree with me that the havoc to healthcare and the painful damage to Americans from a decision against ObamaCare, or repeal of ObamaCare, would be a disaster.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: brentbudowsky; budowsky; gope; gopestablishment; karlrove; obamacare; rinos; rove; surrender; zerocare
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To: House Atreides

Karl Rove drinks beer with his right hand and eats ham sandwiches and pork ribs with his left. On Fridays.

61 posted on 05/10/2015 7:25:26 PM PDT by OKSooner (Chamberlain at least loved his country, please don't insult his memory by comparing him to 0.)
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To: Norm Lenhart; Dr. Thorne

““It means the people that demanded ‘lesser evil’ by electing candidates everyone knew were RINO/Liberal are 100% responsible for the hell we have today. They were told, shown proof and had explained to them what would happen with their cunning plan to “get them in and then hold their feet to the fire because the Dem is worse”.

We were dead right. No feet were or could be held to the fire and they have completely capitulated to Barry and the liberals. Just as we said they would”


62 posted on 05/11/2015 9:32:41 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (My Batting Average( 1,000) (GOPe is that easy to read))
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To: Jim Robinson

Obamacare has caused nothing but pain and suffering since it was passed. And I know!

63 posted on 05/11/2015 9:34:29 AM PDT by Zionist Conspirator (The "end of history" will be Worldwide Judaic Theocracy.)
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To: DoughtyOne; headstamp 2

We can also thank Karl Rove in part for the 2008 Real Estate melt-down. Bush’s more rational advisers were pushing him to reform GSE and restrict subsidies and guaranteed loans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, because they recognized that a policy of providing home mortgages to insolvent individuals who had no hope of ever honoring their debts was a recipe for disaster. Karl Rove advised Bush that restricting home mortgage lending to poor “minorities” would make the GOP look bad in election years, so the administration chose to do nothing and let the GSE’s financial cancer grow.

64 posted on 05/11/2015 3:48:06 PM PDT by ek_hornbeck
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To: ConorMacNessa
The translation I saw 400 years ago in college, had the last line "Bolder our mood as our band diminisheth."

Or something like that. Same idea.

65 posted on 05/12/2015 12:50:44 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("If America was a house, the Left would root for the termites." - Greg Gutfeld)
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To: 1010RD
Then over time, let the FDA die.

Are you sure? Thalidomide, melamine, Baycol. Just to name three substances FDA has banned or has banned products for containing.

Every now and then they earn their keep. Otherwise, how would you induce the proprietor of a trade name and a profitable product that is lawful to sell, to withdraw his product from the market when he makes his living from it? He will throw every nickel he makes at you in the form of legal pettifogging, Philadelphia lawyering, and just plain vituperation in the press. You ready to stand up to all that, just because his product harms people?

66 posted on 05/12/2015 1:23:24 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("If America was a house, the Left would root for the termites." - Greg Gutfeld)
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To: lentulusgracchus

Quackery is just market based innovation. If we want people to take responsibility for their lives, you have to let them take risks. Why not allow the market to create a UL for pharmaceuticals and food products?

The insurer has a great interest in not being sued to death. The FDA doesn’t catch everything and is subject to regulatory capture. Currently, drug companies don’t need to disclose their testing, just the results. How is that good? Government should just be interested in transparency.

Doctors have long prescribed off schedule use of drugs to the benefit of their patients. Even the placebo effect is real. Let’s compare another government protection agency, the TSA.

They’ve just reported that they stopped 2200 handguns from getting on flights. Did they really protect us or is it a false premise to begin with? We don’t want stopped-clock agencies because they ruin liberty.

Thalidomide is still used and useful. Melamine is also still used and useful. Take a look at the toxicity levels:

Why was it reduced by the FDA to a fraction of what it had been and much lower than Canada or the EU? Is it because our FDA loves us so much? Government is political by nature and think of all the reasons for government action that aren’t beneficent.

As for Baycol, postmarketing monitoring discovered the issue. Certainly you’re not arguing that Bayer intentionally introduced a drug they knew would kill?

67 posted on 05/12/2015 7:07:22 AM PDT by 1010RD (First, Do No Harm)
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To: lentulusgracchus
I've seen a number of translations - most of them get the idea across. I tried to come up with something that would sound close to the OE. I'm not at all averse to changing it if I find something I think makes more sense.

I have my father's textbook from his Survey of English Literature course he took in his undergrad days back in 1947. The phrase "weox under wolcnum" was translated as "flourished under the clouds." I would have preferred "waxed under the welkin."

But, as a wise man once said, "chacun à son goût!"

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre / mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað."
"Thought must be the harder, heart be the keener / mind must be the greater, as our might lessens."

68 posted on 05/12/2015 7:15:38 PM PDT by ConorMacNessa (HM/2 USN, 3/5 Marines RVN 1969 - St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in Battle!)
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To: ConorMacNessa
Ah, yes.... "Chicken is some good!" I've always known that one! 😆
69 posted on 05/13/2015 10:31:17 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("If America was a house, the Left would root for the termites." - Greg Gutfeld)
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To: stephenjohnbanker; Norm Lenhart; Dr. Thorne


Can I add my dittoes to that?

Now let’s go get drunk someplace where we won’t have to smell them rotting.

70 posted on 05/13/2015 10:37:43 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("If America was a house, the Left would root for the termites." - Greg Gutfeld)
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