Slipping further under the surface...
The Union of South Africa was Rhodes’ creation — and he was an early (albeit not entirely consistent) advocate of extending the voting franchise to blacks.
Destroying everything, what will they replace it with? That is the key.
And universities used to be the one place that tolerated, indeed cherished, unpopular ideas.
At least they’ll feel good about themselves while their country collapses....
For the last month the students have been occupying the Bremner Building which is where the central admin is, eg finance, payroll, HR, registrar, Vice Chancellor and his deputies,etc.
I work in that building, and watched from my office window some of what was happening, which included criminal activities, eg pummeling cars trying to enter the area. Apparently a security guard was also attacked. One day I made a quick getaway when they started trying to break the doors to the corridors where offices are. Rather scary!
Needless to say, I’ve been working from home quite a lot lately.
Demographics is destiny, and all the 'rainbow conservatives' are missing the point. You might not care about race, but race cares about you.
Rainbow conservatives view issues like this in the same way that Libertarians view immigration. In a perfect world, with no welfare, free transit of individuals might be a good and reasonable step.
But, we don't have that world, certainly not in the USA. So when you argue for 'open borders' and amnesty you are supporting massive wealth transfer and permanant Socialist majority.
The South already faces continual attacks on their heritage, ripping down statues of Confederate heros, renaming parks and public buildings.
There is nothing magic about the USA. What has happened in SA will happen here too. Count on it.
Stupid professors. The red guard will be coming for you before too long. It doesnt stop with statues.
Bite the hand that has fed you...... idiots. South Africa would be another HELLHOLE had Cecil Rhodes not been there.
SA residents expunging everything white is like a person sitting on a tree limb one hundred feet in the air sawing off the limb.
Going back to the savage days, from sh##ing in holes and eating each other to toilets and living next to each other to de evolving back to the wheel and fire
How soon will Marie Harf denounce the UCT for homophobia for removing the statue of Cecil Rhodes?