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Connecting the dots Plausible, re-searchable, sourced, and should be of interest to all.
1 posted on 03/31/2015 9:38:45 AM PDT by yoe
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To: yoe
The Managerial State:

Paul Gottfried, in After Liberalism, defines this worldview as a "series of social programs informed by a vague egalitarian spirit, and it maintains its power by pointing its finger accusingly at antiliberals." He calls it a new theocratic religion. In this view, when the managerial regime cannot get democratic support for its policies, it resorts to sanctimony and social engineering, via programs, court decisions and regulations...

2 posted on 03/31/2015 9:40:53 AM PDT by kiryandil (making the jests that some FReepers aren't allowed to...)
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To: yoe

“If you knew how corrupt I thought these people really were, I feel like you’d rush to the phone and soon bad men would show up to haul me off in a straitjacket.”

Not me. I would get hauled off with you.

3 posted on 03/31/2015 9:45:09 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (My Batting Average( 1,000) (GOPe is that easy to read))
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To: yoe


The Illuminati stork delivered a whopper.

4 posted on 03/31/2015 9:45:38 AM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi - Revolution is a'brewin!!!)
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To: yoe
There was never any honest doubt about McCain, the son of a U.S. Navy Commander.

There certainly are people who make the claim that those born outside the US are not natural born citizens. We see them right here on FR.

5 posted on 03/31/2015 9:46:07 AM PDT by iowamark (I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy)
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To: yoe

I don’t think that Hussein is any kind of American citizen. His mother was not old enough to impart citizenship to her son. He has Indonesian citizenship and probably British Empire citizenship but it is highly that he has American citizenship.

6 posted on 03/31/2015 9:47:53 AM PDT by arthurus (it's true!)
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To: yoe

Dunno about blaming Congress...

The Founders actually expected the Electors to exercise judgement and refuse to cast their votes for persons considered ineligible, or even inappropriate, for the office.

7 posted on 03/31/2015 9:52:06 AM PDT by Ready4Freddy
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To: yoe

Same question been running around in my mind.

If it really does take just one parent, and location of birthplace is irrelevant, or citizenship of the other parent, then Soetoro has only the Indonesian passport problems that his Commie Mommy inflicted on him.

And thus Ted Cruz - a guy with dual nationality - has no problems. Currently, that’s what he and the Heritage foundation use.

So, did we get where we are?

Oddly, the Birch society used to talk about this back in the 60s. They said the UN was a front for the Comintern, and that we were being softened up for World Government by ripping apart the opposition to being ruled by a foreigner by that institution.

But stubborn opposition by Americans and especially American servicemen killed that.

Until Soetoro. Now the dam has been breeched: We all love Cruz, but....he has some issues. Once we water down the qualifications...Katy Bar the Door.

And as for Soetoro, he’s proof that the requirement was there for a good reason: he is in no way loyal to the people or the laws of the States that United. Every law, EO, regulation or memo he ever signed should be stricken from the record and have no force over the United States.

But it does merit trying to understand who he really is and where he really came from.

8 posted on 03/31/2015 9:52:33 AM PDT by Regulator
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To: yoe


9 posted on 03/31/2015 9:53:31 AM PDT by skinkinthegrass ("Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid." Hedy Lamarr)
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To: yoe
The way the constitution reads, there is no language that defines that a president must be born of two “citizen parents” to become POTUS. Just not there.

Furthermore, the SCOTUS has never adjudicated the natural born citizen clause. Leaving it wide open. Strange to say the least.

The issue regarding lil Barack is whether he ever held an Indonesian passport OR whether Barack’s mama ever denounced her American citizenship to gain Indonesian passports.

It is my understanding, that when lil Barack attended the Madrasa in Indonesia, folks holding an American passport would not be able to attend.

This in my lil ol pinion is the bigger question. If at any time, Barack Obozo held foreign credentials due to his mother's marriage to Barry Soetoro, lil baby Barack would be ineligible to hold the office of president.

18 posted on 03/31/2015 10:13:16 AM PDT by servantboy777
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To: yoe

Congress makes a regular habit of protecting this President.

21 posted on 03/31/2015 10:42:41 AM PDT by Republican1795.
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To: yoe
After reading it the foremost question on my mind is, "If the natural born citizen definition only requires one citizen parent then why did they seemingly try so hard to change the law for Barack Obama?"

It's a little more complicated than that. At the time of Zero's birth, the natural born citizen definition required only one citizen parent -- if that parent was of sufficient age.

And Stanley Ann wasn't...

Consequently, the movement that Garrison is concerned with may have had nothing to do with Obama.

22 posted on 03/31/2015 10:48:28 AM PDT by okie01
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To: yoe

The people voted of Obama, and I dare say the ones who did could care less about his citizenship status. The root of the corruption is us. “We the people” have brought on the downfall of this country, and the corrupt people in Washington are giving us what we want.

I know, I know, the Constitution and the law still matter, but the Constitution doesn’t mean anything, if the people of this country don’t ratify it in their hearts and minds. When we elect people like Obama to office, we are rebelling against Constitutional law.

30 posted on 03/31/2015 11:08:39 AM PDT by pallis
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To: yoe

Unfortunately, the MSM seems to have made this into a “too little, too late” issue.

34 posted on 03/31/2015 11:32:48 AM PDT by VideoDoctor
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To: yoe

36 posted on 03/31/2015 11:40:59 AM PDT by seawolf101
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To: yoe

Of COURSE Congress knew it. You were expecting them to follow the law?

44 posted on 03/31/2015 7:17:55 PM PDT by Some Fat Guy in L.A. (Still bitterly clinging to rational thought despite it's unfashionability)
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To: yoe

From January 6, 2011: “The state of Hawaii has said that President Obama was born there. That’s good enough for me,” Boehner, R-Ohio, told NBC ‘s Brian Williams in an interview to air Thursday night on NBC Nightly News.”

From the former Republican Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle:
“You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. It’s been established. He was born here.”

45 posted on 03/31/2015 11:11:52 PM PDT by Nero Germanicus (PALIN/CRUZ: 2016)
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To: yoe
We've know, and been able to PROVE THIS, for a very long time.

For those of you who don't know, remember this:
8 Congressional attempts from June 2004 to February 2008 to alter Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution, proves to meRead it for yourself.
Then look at these links.
Just before the 2008 election Barack Obama's election team spent $1.4 million blocking access to all of Obama's records.

There were 8 attempts by Democrats to try to "Change the Qualification Rules" BEFORE Obama was elected.

Obama's record is hard to find.
Think about this.
Here's something to ponder. Now think about those facts,and statements.
The forgeries I'm aware of, are the three Birth Cretificate Barack Hussein Obama II has forged.
I don't trust evidence put forth by Obama supporters.
The disappearance of too much evidence on Obama is strong enough for me to know that he was born in Kenya.

The documents provided in that article are very damaging to Obama, and well worth your time.

Most of these early "supporters" of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT IN CHIEF were party to the Communists "spooks".
There's a great volume of history you have to go through to understand this, and it goes back to about 1850.

Read these three articles on one of my earlier post:

Now go back and read The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals.

Are you getting the depth of this Fabian Society takeover?
It's deep, it's ugly, and most people WILL NOT ... CAN NOT ... accept the truth.

Anybody recall a press release telling the masses about federal intelligence notes sent warning police about this cabal?

76 posted on 04/01/2015 7:41:32 PM PDT by Yosemitest (It's Simple ! Fight, ... or Die !)
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To: yoe


83 posted on 04/01/2015 9:07:36 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: yoe
The closest contemporary writing to the ratification of the Constitution on the subject of natural born citizens being of two citizen parents is Thomas Paine's 1791 book The Rights of Man, written just two years after ratification.

From The Rights of Man, The Rights Of Man, Chapter 4 — Of Constitutions:

If there is any government where prerogatives might with apparent safety be entrusted to any individual, it is in the federal government of America. The president of the United States of America is elected only for four years. He is not only responsible in the general sense of the word, but a particular mode is laid down in the constitution for trying him. He cannot be elected under thirty-five years of age; and he must be a native of the country.

In a comparison of these cases with the Government of England, the difference when applied to the latter amounts to an absurdity. In England the person who exercises prerogative is often a foreigner; always half a foreigner, and always married to a foreigner. He is never in full natural or political connection with the country, is not responsible for anything, and becomes of age at eighteen years; yet such a person is permitted to form foreign alliances, without even the knowledge of the nation, and to make war and peace without its consent.

But this is not all. Though such a person cannot dispose of the government in the manner of a testator, he dictates the marriage connections, which, in effect, accomplish a great part of the same end. He cannot directly bequeath half the government to Prussia, but he can form a marriage partnership that will produce almost the same thing. Under such circumstances, it is happy for England that she is not situated on the Continent, or she might, like Holland, fall under the dictatorship of Prussia. Holland, by marriage, is as effectually governed by Prussia, as if the old tyranny of bequeathing the government had been the means.

The presidency in America (or, as it is sometimes called, the executive) is the only office from which a foreigner is excluded, and in England it is the only one to which he is admitted. A foreigner cannot be a member of Parliament, but he may be what is called a king. If there is any reason for excluding foreigners, it ought to be from those offices where mischief can most be acted, and where, by uniting every bias of interest and attachment, the trust is best secured. But as nations proceed in the great business of forming constitutions, they will examine with more precision into the nature and business of that department which is called the executive. What the legislative and judicial departments are every one can see; but with respect to what, in Europe, is called the executive, as distinct from those two, it is either a political superfluity or a chaos of unknown things.

Yes, Paine did use the term "native of the country." Does this mean "native born" instead of "natural born?" We have to look at the following statements to answer that question.

Paine refers to Engish examples in order to define this. Paine cites "foreigner" and "half a foreigner" as the oppposite to "full natural" connection to the country. So, what is "half a foreigner?"

It seems to me that "half a foreigner" is a person with one parent who is a citizen and one parent who is not. This person does not have have a "full natural... connection with the country."

Paine wrote plainly of why the Framers did not want "half-foreigners" to be president, and why only people with a "full natural... connection with the country" were allowed to become President.

Paine was widely recognized as the most influential writer of the time of Independence because of his plain writing style that resonated with the common person.

In Part 1 of the same chapter, Paine writes of the general familiarity with the Constitution by the People.

Here we see a regular process — a government issuing out of a constitution, formed by the people in their original character; and that constitution serving, not only as an authority, but as a law of control to the government. It was the political bible of the state. Scarcely a family was without it. Every member of the government had a copy; and nothing was more common, when any debate arose on the principle of a bill, or on the extent of any species of authority, than for the members to take the printed constitution out of their pocket, and read the chapter with which such matter in debate was connected.

Paine's description of the meaning of Article II was written in 1791, and I take it to be reflective of the common understanding of the time. This was, after all, written just two years after the ratification of the Constitution. If Paine said that natural born citizens meant both parents were citizens, then that was the plain meaning.


109 posted on 04/02/2015 1:16:38 PM PDT by Political Junkie Too (If you are the Posterity of We the People, then you are a Natural Born Citizen.)
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To: yoe

You saw it when Cheney asked for objections to Obama’s election results in 2008. He looked up and looked around, and then back down.


They ALL knew.

122 posted on 04/02/2015 5:35:10 PM PDT by combat_boots (The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah. Gloria Patri, Filio et Spiritui Sancto!)
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