The best stuff will turn up years from now when a tornado disgorges the contents from the trunk of a car in a junk yard, or mysteriously appear on a table in the White House map room...or never at all.
Paper emails? Doesn’t seem very progressive and “with it” to me...or environmentally friendly either.
no problem. ocr should take care of converting the paper, if it’s at all readable.
I want to know what she ate while in the State Department
One of her cronies in the corrupt state dept will go over the e-mails with a fine toothed paper shredder....
Whoever installed and serviced her home server better high-tail it for Peru. Otherwise, they will wind up in Ft. Marcy Park.
This is precisely why her home should have been raided by law enforcement without the big heads-up, and everything carted away in evidence boxes.
I would think that those missing emails have detailed information about Bill’s illegal-aged travesties, possibly pics and vids taken by Epstein.
Scan and crowd source it. It’ll be done and indexed in under a week.
Treegate!!! Call the EPA!!! This must be a breach of some regulation!
55,000 pages???? I cry for the trees!!!!!
Digitizing printed output isn’t rocket science. Google did it for Google Books, many of which are scanned from actual books and converted to searchable text. It shouldn’t cost a lot either, but the White House will probably drag its feet and find all kinds of reasons why it can’t get the job done, and why it can’t allow Congress access to those e-mails.
Selective paper copies are non-responsive to the question and non-compliant with the law.
Shouldn't that be pmail, not email?
In case ya’ll forgot:
As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was FIRED by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview,
“Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”
The person who set up the server did an interview with British paper
It seems to me he has NO connection to government control the. Any other businessman and should be able to lead authorities to where materials were purchased or might be used as a trade up for bigger-better-cleaner server. IF media can interview him so should Gowdy’s team
Why treat her with kid gloves?
Vince Foster wasn’t.
OMG I think my mom have that printer LOL!
Hey Hill, how did you get the DC Parks Department to investigate Vince Fosters death, was the FBI off that day?
Hey Hill, how many times did Bill give you the clap?
Hey Hill, how much foreign money were you raking and taking while Secretary of State?
Hey Hill, how much did you clear when you got Marc Rich his pardon?
Hey Hill, how many votes did you get when Bill freed the Puerto Rican terrorists from jail?
Hey Hill, how many sniper shots just missed your gargantuan head when you got off the plane in Bosnia?
Hey Hill, how do I make money in cattle futures, without being a politician who is selling influence?
“Hey Hill, how many pants suits do you own?”
Hey Hill, did we ever get the guy who made the video, like you told the grieving Benghazi families over their bodies?
Hey Hill, did you ever catch Bill in the act of forcing himself on another woman, or did you only sponge mop the mess afterward?
Hey Hill, do you still have copies of those 900 FBI files on your political opponents, you know, the ones that had your fingerprints?
Hey Hill, tell us again how the vast right wing conspiracy forced your husband Bill to pull his pants down and ask Paula Jones for sex?
Hey Hill, was that your blond hair they found on Vincent Fosters underwear?”
Hey Hill, whats new with Monica these days, you and her are victims of the same right wing conspiracy, right?
Hill, Where are the gosh darn Emails?