Posted on 02/21/2015 6:48:17 PM PST by PROCON
New Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has chosen former acting Air Force Secretary Eric Fanning to become his chief of staff and the first openly gay man to hold the post.
Fanning, currently the Air Force undersecretary, was a key member of the transition team along with Army Maj. Gen. Ron Davis that guided Carter through his Senate confirmation hearings to replace outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
As chief of staff, Fanning will have major sway over Carter's schedule and access to his office. Davis was expected to become military adviser to Carter.
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Fanning, 46, who has never served in uniform, previously was a deputy undersecretary of the Navy, an associate producer at CBS News in New York City...
OK, they're really throwing this queer crap in our face now...I don't know how much more I can take...
It’s going to get a lot worse before it (if it ever does) gets better.
No heterosexual patriots need apply.
CWII: The New Rebel Army of the South will not have any faggots in the it’s ranks.
What a damned joke. These tin soldiers manufactured a public statement about the attack on Mosul ,Iraq in April. First it is treason to subject out instructors to death because of that but second , the “Iraqi Army” couldn’t ever fight anybody. They are in complete disarray. They cut and run like the French. They are not going to Mosul in April and you can bet the farm of that.
Our troops won’t be safewith that kind of person in their rear.
How in the Hell is it going to get worse? :-(
It never get better-—believe it or not, we are living the Bibical propheecy of ‘last days’ when evil will increase and overcome the world until Christ returns and puts a halt to it——if that is wrong and there is no God, we are doomed in any event——peace to you all and ‘God Bless’!!
old WW2 vet
I am now officially a defeatist. The country is doomed. It will take a lot of blood shed to recover from this BS. ‘They’ no longer pick the best and brightest AMERICAN. ‘They’ pick the first whatever regardless of qualifications. ‘They’ are sending the country to destruction for some progressive BS. I am glad I don’t have children.
The devils behind this stuff make them feel invincible.
They aren’t invincible, but greater America is responsible for what it does in its heart towards God. Will it accept and embrace love from God or will it push that love away until it is so starved that it will swallow any old lie that masquerades as love?
A person or a country that goes to hell — it’s their own damned fault. God didn’t force it to happen and has reached out in an attempt to keep it from happening and has been spurned.
God Bless you Sir and I feel privileged that you are here on FR!
No, it's not your Military or mine anymore, we are surrounded by all sort of evil and nefarious characters.
I do believe that America will once again rise from the ashes, just not sure when.
Thanks for your Service!
“Its going to get a lot worse before it (if it ever does) gets better.”
The vote in the Republican majority Senate to approve Ashton Carter as Secretary of Defense was 95-5. Apparently both political parties fully support his actions and policies.
It seems like only yesterday we were being told we needed to vote for a Republican Senate in November 2014 in order to stop Obama.
That's enough. Enough already.
They are deliberately taunting us.
We are finished......
I have every reason to believe that there will be a special parousia return of Christ.
And yet, Christ can “return” in more than one way. Another way He can make an appearance before the parousia is by evangelism performed and accepted. The gospel promise has never gone away. It is humanity, not God, who is at fault for refusing it.
Don’t hang it all up on account of the end times. God hasn’t.
This makes a coup d’etat all the more easy to do, and enjoyable.
There are ways out of it, but they involve a sincere embrace of the Lord. No, America does not need to become a theocracy, but individual citizens need to allow God to become their King and Savior again.
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