The Pinkos are saying that Americans are crazy to think we can stop their takeover.
Congress [Pelosi] did what she did in the dead of night against all objection and wholly without review by ANY of her side, or her opposition’s side [they never saw the legislation]. She bypassed the reconciliation process between the Senate and House and ‘deemed’ it passed.
It didn’t matter what she meant because passage was all that was wanted. And in that respect, the bitch got what she wanted, but it appears it is not what she wanted after all. Screw her. Screw intent. Screw common [scrivener’s] error.
What they wrought has to go forward for review on its own [de]merit and let the judges rule on that - if they have the balls to fulfill their constitutional obligations honestly.
Both the House and the Senate have an opportunity to help. They should each pass a “sense of the House/Senate resolution” proclaiming that in their legislation, they intend their words to mean precisely what they write. When they clearly wrote that subsidies would be available for subscribers who signed up through exchanges setup by a state, they meant precisely that subsidies would be available only to subscribers who register through an exchange setup by a state. If their bodies intended another understanding, they wouldn’t have specified the state setup requirement.
Everything they say sounds like it’s been pulled from posts at democrats underground.
And then.....
All this O-care court challenge thing has been down in the detailed workings of the law. To me, the best way to look at it is from the top down. It it beyond obvious that the reason the law was written was to effect control over the citizens, NOT to provide healthcare. Two things make that obvious: 1) the government could have gone out into the marketplace and bought health insurance at vastly lower costs to cover the uninsured, and 2)the law enacted a mind boggling array of new bureaucracies and boards to implement the thing, which by its nature erects roadblocks and curbs on individual choice and freedom that make good economic sense for the individual citizens.
If, in fact, the obvious control intent is true, then the whole thing reeks as being unconstitutional because our Constitution was written to preserve individual liberty. O-care is the antithesis of individual liberty, so it violates the very spirit and intent of the Constitution.
Those who complicate matters usually have ill intent.
Congress never READ the frikkin' thing
Any ... ANY statement that begins with or uses the the phrase of "Congress never .. " or "Congress did .. " is a straw man argument ... CONGRESS NEVER READ THE THING AND WAS FORCED TO PASS IT WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THEY WERE DOING !!!
It's a moot point to argue if they were forced or not ... the point is ... no one knew what was in it so they can not be accused of determining anything
"Congress never contemplated withholding premium subsidies
is a boojit statement to fool stupid people into thinking this is a legitimate legislative act
Congress never contemplated withholding premium subsidies in noncooperative states... From what Nancy Pelosi said, famously, Congress never contemplated.