Posted on 02/15/2015 6:22:35 PM PST by presidio9
'I believe the Russians are mobilizing right now for a war that they think is going to happen in five or six years not that they're going to start a war in five or six years, but I think they are anticipating that things are going to happen, and that they will be in a war of some sort, of some scale, with somebody within the next five or six years."
So says Lt. Gen. Frederick "Ben" Hodges, commander of U.S. Army Europe....
"Strong Europe!" reads a sign on one of the walls. Next to it is the U.S. Army Europe insignia, a burning sword set against a blue shield. The two signs represent the strategic framework the three-star general has introducedbuilding on America's decades-long role on the Continentsince taking command last year of the 30,000 or so U.S. soldiers stationed in Europe.
The U.S. military presence in Europe is more vital at this moment than it has been in many years. American engagement is essential if the West is to deter a revanchist Russia that has set out to "redraw the boundaries of Europe," Gen. Hodges says with a native Floridian's drawl....
The Russians have "got some forces in Transnistria," he says of the state that broke away from Moldova in the 1990s. "They've got forces in Georgia. And I think they view China as their existential threat, so they've got a lot of capacity out there." The Russian military is thus already somewhat stretched, and Moscow had to carve out from existing units the battalion task groups currently arrayed near eastern Ukraine. Yet "they are clearly on a path to develop, to increase, their capacity," Gen. Hodges says. Add to this expansion that "they've got very good equipment, extremely good communications equipment, their [electronic-warfare] capability, T-80 tanks." How long will it take for Russia to reach its desired military strength? "I think within another two or three years they will have that capacity," he says.. -SNIP-
You are correct, freerepublic is most definitely relevant and an effective force and forum for conservatives, and conservative activists.
Actually, the technique has been around since the 1930s. For example, at the time, Norway had both a communist and socialist political party. But then Hitler created his Hitler Jugend, and just five years later, the Norwegian communist and socialist parties combined their youth movements on a Hitler Jugend model.
The idea was to raise a next generation of ideologically pure national leaders, who would work to make their respective nations one party states by whatever means necessary.
Eventually, the Socialist International, an organization of leftist political parties around the world, decided that the only way they could achieve their goals was by destroying those parts of their nation that caused them to exist as nations.
This meant causing ethnic homogeneity, and the destruction of a nations unique culture, history, and language. And the way to do this is by open borders immigration, on condition that the immigrants exclusively support the socialists, who give them endless welfare.
This is why socialists today are bound and determined to have open borders anywhere.
Because the population of Norway was so small, it was well on the way to destruction by the socialists. But their scheme was disrupted by a single, patriotic Norwegian. By even interrupting their plans, it gave the rest of the country a chance to stop them.
Here is an article in the NYT just three days ago.
Here is an opposing viewpoint, from a year ago.
However, the truth is less important than what the Russians *think* the truth is. Russians can be very xenophobic, especially when it comes to the possibility of an invasion by East Asians. (This nervousness can even be seen in the old propaganda movie Alexander Nevsky.)
Russia never permitted major roads or rail lines in the European track gauge in their western region. Passengers had to disembark from European trains to use Russian trains. Likewise, Russia never allowed major highways to be built in the west, that could make it easier for an invader. All xenophobic behavior.
you make some thought provoking points...
I just had a great idea that small countries that are under possible threat should get together to develop new weapons to defend themselves. They cannot depend on the US or others when it matters.
Countries like Ukraine, Georgia, the baltics, Poland, Taiwan, Israel etc etc could all be a part of it.
Baltics have been able to buy Javelins from the USA and Spikes from Israel. For some reason Obama is resistant to allow Ukraine to buy Javelins. Ukraine even has money now as they got a $17B loan from the IMF. There is no hope of Israel selling them Spikes.
I agree with developing own weapons on the overall sense, but building up these industries takes more time than is allotted before Russian invasion. For example Estonia has developed own reconnaissance drone, but so far it is much too inferior to what war against Russia would require. At least it is a work in progress.
Right now it is down to that selling Javelins to Ukraine is a political move Obama has not so far been willing to make. Even though it seems that people want it.
Are you guys sure? When was the last major FR event? Bill Clinton was in power a long time ago and this is what I date major even being. I asked this in the most friendliest way possible.
I never mentioned events, there are plenty of tea party and Palin events already taking place.
Thanks! I did not know that. If FR matters then Russian Trolls are even bigger concern. I just can’t comprehend some of the things I read here. Poster writing “Mr. Gorbachev - the wall is right where it should be” being an example. Defeatism and demoralization worthy of far left award of bringing their dream of destruction of freedom and Russians unopposed spreading their lies.
Then in that case, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah are also allies in the war against Islamic terrorism...
No, they are deadly enemies of Israel, another one of our allies, and beholding to Ayatollahs, the real manipulators of the carnage going on.
Canada has big Ukrainian diaspora.
The anti-amnesty march during the second term of the W was pretty big.
At the time, during the ‘50-’60s, Fulda Gap was the easiest route to use for an invasion of West Germany and Europe. Profit had nothing to do with anything. This route was in the Soviet’s theater war plan. Evil also had nothing to do with anything. If the Soviets had wanted to take Europe, using the Gap was the best and quickest way to overcome any opposition.
There was nothing to do but attempt to defend against it, even though at the time, US and NATO troops were hopelessly out-numbered. Further, US troops were often overheard passing position, strength, disposition in the clear, making any attack fruitful for the Russians, who were bragging about obliterating the West in a nuclear exchange.
According to the CIA Factbook, the various ethnic groups in Russia are Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, and all other groups less than 1%. This is pretty close to monoethnic.
Moving west, Ukraine is almost entirely Ukrainian and Russian; Belarus is Belarusian and Russian; Romania is Romanian and Hungarian; Poland is almost entirely Polish; Germany is mostly German; France doesn’t even bother to distinguish its ethnic groups; nor does Spain; and the UK just defines itself as “white”, without intentionally obfuscated ethnic groups.
Satan is preparing for war, he is moving his human chess pieces into position.
God laughs.
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