Posted on 02/06/2015 9:40:54 AM PST by bestintxas
President Obama made an extremely curious comment in his address at the National Prayer Breakfast:
We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilistic ends.
Our religion? Was that a slip of the tongue? If he is speaking of Christians, where are the nihilists today murdering in the name of Christ that require a push back?
The president appears willing to say or do anything to avoid speaking the truth about Islam. This so-called Christian who acts the role of President of the United States is a fanatic when it comes to honoring blasphemy laws and advancing Islams cause. Toward that end, he recently admonished Christians and Jews for their evil deeds throughout history.
Obama preached that were all sinners and equated the acts of Christians throughout history with those of ISIS.
Apparently he was channeling Christ and the anti-Christ at the same time.
Here are some nuggets of sickness he spewed on Thursday, as Yahoo News reports:
President Barack Obama wants Christians to know Islam is not the only religion that has inspired violence and terror.
"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said Wednesday. "And in our home country, slavery, and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I don’t even know why it is referred to as “radical Islam”. It is just plain Islam. There are just those who are disobedient to their own “faith.” If you read their instruction manual, it tells them plainly what they are to do with us infidels. Some of them blow people up or behead them. The rest, they are just afraid that all that martyr thing ain’t what it is cracked up to be with the virgins and such. Especially the women.
“Unless we get ON our high horse...”
hey illiterate jacka$$, great idea
as Christians we deserve to ride ON a high horse
and our potus doesn’t know which end of the horse faces forward
“moderate” muslims are those who silently approve, tacitly approve, fearfully cower, or otherwise just silently stick their heads in the sand about the atrocities committed by their fellow allah worshippers
ISIS already lopped off 6 heads of moderate critics of their human torch torture death, including 2 imams
This is like starting off World War II by voting in Hitler for President. It is also why High Treason carries the death penalty.
My question is, 6 million hindus killed, seems like today, did they fight back? It seems like today so many are just taking it and not fighting back.(They are scared) Hindu really is a beautiful religion.
I have studied the world religions. They are all evolving. The only thing changeless is God himself(thank God). Its a paradox, its against the God knowingness inside me to say this but Annihilation is the only answer. Otherwise we have decades upon decades for wars, the maiming and death of the Cream of the Crop of America, to no end. I know this for sure, God leaves it up to us. He will not intervene despite human misunderstandings. We have to fix this. I am thinking we need a Leader the opposite of Obama.
Thank You Congress.
What? Congress???? It is Thank You Voters....dumb voters at that.
My better half just informed me that brave Sir Bama landed at Indianapolis airport a few minutes ago.
Fund raising? Race-baiting? Christian bashing?
A worship service for those who consider him their “lord and savior” with cash and presents to follow?
Why is this evil ventriloquists’ puppet sullying my great state with his presence?
Slavery and Jim Crow brought to us thanks to the Democrat Party!
Christians, IN THE PAST, did atrocious things CONTRARY to their scripture.
Muslims, CURRENTLY, are doing atrocious things IN CONFORMITY with their scripture.
Not curious and not a surprise. He’s just no longer trying to hide it.
The modern Civil Rights Movement was driven by Christianity along with the post Civil War institutions of education and family.
To say that Jim Crow and slavery were justified in the name of Christ?
There was tremendous Christian pressure to end slavery from the Catholic Church, abolitionists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Quakers, the US government, a Civil War and they won.
To equate the present horrors of Islamic terrorism with a Christian support of Jim Crow and slavery seems ignorant.
“..What? Congress???? It is Thank You Voters....dumb voters at that.”
Yes, both, but it’s too late for the voters to do right, but the Congress could fix this if they wanted to...NOW...before more damage is done to America and its citizens.
Hey, Obama - The Middle Ages called, they want their foreign policy back.
“What I fear is that sultans dont leave office alive. They dont abdicate. They dont lose elections. They dont retire. Sometimes they meet the garotte.”
why fear the imperialistic ruler meeting his end?
if that is what is required, so be it, and be happy, not fearful
Because of the “sometimes.”
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