So basically FEDGUV INC is going to just replace private unions?
Of course and since there are so many government employed people, someone like Obama will executive order paid leave to the elite class first.
I think they’ve already ridden this hobby horse at least once.
The obvious response is “you had both houses of congress plus the White House for two years, why didn’t you get this done then?”
Give me, give me. Or uncle sugar will get ya.
WHEN WILL SOMEONE COME OUT AND SAY ‘SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR THIS’? Someone has to pay for the ‘free’ Community College......someone has to pay for the ‘free’ contraception.......someone has to pay for the ‘free’ everything else these bozos are promising! NOTHING IS FREE!! This country needs to WAKE UP!!
The politicians have merely to make the promises. Others are left to pay the bills. What could possibly go wrong with that?
This is a good idea, one whose time has come. I will gladly chip in to pay the Democrats to leave. Where do I send the check?
handouts and freebies are not economics, they are theft
Let the lazy live the good life while subsidized by the productive. The Dems keep coming back to that well over and over and over again. Hell, why not give everyone who is part of the 99% a year off with full pay, paid for by “the rich.” That would be great!!!
I am a business owner.
I have to watch every expense, and take advantage of every situation.
Any absences are an opportunity for me to find out whether I can do without an employee or not.
Sickness. Family problems. Go ahead and don’t show up. I have before and I will continue to attempt to take whatever is on your desk, and parcel it out to the employees that show up. When you’re not there.
Many times I find out I can do without you.
Paid leave? Do you really want paid leave?
Regardless what FDRs activist justices had wanted everybody to believe about the scope of Congresss Commerce Clause (1.8.3) powers when it wrongly decided Wickard v. Filburn in Congresss favor in 1942 imo, FDRs justices ignored the following. They ignored that the Supreme Court had historically clarified that the states have never delegated to the feds, expressly via the Constitution, the specific power to regulate intrastate commerce.
State inspection laws, health laws, and laws for regulating the internal commerce of a State, and those which respect turnpike roads, ferries, &c. are not within the power granted to Congress [emphases added]. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
And it reasonably follows that since the feds cannot regulate 10th Amendment (10A)-protected interstate commerce, neither can the feds establish vote-winning employee benefits like paid leave.
So if 10A-ignoring federal Democrats really want to make laws within the framework of the Constitution (ahem) to give intrastate employees paid leave, then they need to do the following. They need to comply with the Constitutions Article V by rallying Congress to propose an employee benefits amendment to the Constitution to the states. And if the states choose to ratify such an amendment then Congress will have the constitutional authority that it needs to establish paid leave for intrastate employees and the Democrats will be heroes.
Paid leave for having a baby sounds great.
Keep in mind though the people favoring it are the same people busy destroying traditional families.
This is a political talking point, not a serious, well-thought out proposal to strengthen the American family.
And when the Democrats ran Congress, they didn’t push for it - they simply want to embarrass the GOP.
Oh, good, more entitlements. That’s never been an economic problem.
Gee, how about using you vacation time when you have a baby if you don’t have paid leave for maternity ?
Socialism at it’s finest, trying to do what forced purchase of insurance for health care (ACA) could not accomplish; ensuring the collapse of the non-State controlled workforce.