Posted on 01/08/2015 3:27:46 AM PST by Timber Rattler
“Who, exactly, is feigning outrage?”
So what do you propose instead? Work inside the Republican Party to change it?
This chilling remark is as frightening as Boehner's deceit, treachery, power lust, and cynicism.
This man's loyal to Boehner??? What about his constituents??? What about the American people???
Are the politicians in WASHINGTON jockeying for positions in anticipation of a collapse of representational government and American society and a totalitarian take-over? You can be sure that many a power hungry potential dictator is itching to be the one to seize control of the US economy, military, and nuclear arsenal and set him/herself up as the First Citizen--i.e. Emperor!
Uh their job is to REPRESENt their constituents, not feather their nests by getting payoffs from the K St. lobbyists who pay for votes on the most powerful committees. Whoever voted for Boehner after campaigning as a conservative must be replaced in 2016. No mercy for liars and cowards.
I don't know about you, but I've been carrying my outrage since 2008. Since then, I've been through four Republican primaries and have not seen one damn thing change with the GOP-E.
If we were not experiencing this live and direct, it would be difficult to believe that Congress could be so blind and deaf to the pleas of constituents. My own critter, has a 40% rating as a Republican, and probably never gave a thought to voting against the presumptive candidate. She would probably survive a primary, but battered could she survive in the general with a strong blue dog democrat, who has previously held the seat? So many questions and so few answers at the moment other than a voting record that stinks for a Republican.
So how do you propose to do that Max, when the GOP-E has corrupted the primary system and stacked the deck against Conservative challengers?
No it's not, and hasn't been for a long time.
Maybe we can discuss the pros and cons together; at a historic location. How about under some oak trees (not many) at the Grand River Bridge on Trail Street in Jackson Michigan?
Someone needs to remind the “leadership” that the ten percent that voted against Boehner out simply represent Conservatives who want Boehner out. After all they are Representatives. Don’t blame them for doing what the people want... It’s their job.
So will you now point out to us just when the GOP was the Conservatives party?
Reagan did it.
The Republican party is “our” party?
You are talking about the same party that completely ignores the will of its own base.
You are talking about the same party that joyfully proclaimed that the days of Reagan conservatism is dead.
You are talking about the same party that time and time again has said that conservatives can not win on the national level and instead offer limp wristed wishy washy Juan Mclame, and Romney.
The GOP views conservatives like those of us on this site as the enemy.
There should be a PAC organized for just that purpose. It would give me a place to send the money that I would have sent to the GOP had they been conservative.
And what is the alternative? Keep giving money and votes to elect (hopefully) a person that will keep his promises and listen to his constituents? Einstein defined that as insanity.
Who will you vote for? A Jeb Bush/Chris Christie ticket or a Hillary Clinton/De Blasio ticket? I say two sides of the same coin.
jim demint and the heritage foundation is a good place for redirected Republican money
Largely mexican neighborhood these days.
Defeatism is dominating this thread.
Any republican that voted for the republican socialist Bohner should be voted out of office. O hope this means war in the house, do not help the leadership on any socialist bill.
You can be a conservative or you can vote for Boehner. Choose one.
OK, you voted for Boehner and outed yourself as a lying scumbag on your first vote in the new Congress. You lied during your campaign to get votes. You're whining now. You knew at least 60% of your voters wanted a different Speaker, you voted against their wishes and voted with the inside DC wheeler-dealers. That's just after taking office, what are you going to be voting for in 6 months or a year. No one thinks you votes are going to get better.
You've lied and betrayed your voters already with your first vote. The country is being destroyed and you voted for the destroyers. Now you're whining. Resign! You've done too much damage already for any possible good you claim you will accomplish.
This applies to every GOP member who voted for Crying Johnny.
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