Oh Noes!
Now we can’t support Ted! /s
Well according to another Ivy league attorney....
It depends on what the meaning of “is” is....
Thank you. Yes, correct.
Is repeated music torture?
Is interrupted sleep schedule torture?
Is waterboarding torture?
How about beheading?
Raping your wife in front of you and disemboweling your family before your eyes?
Chopping off hands?
Our side did the top three, Saddam and Al Qaeda did the bottom three.
Bonus question, did the ATF torture the Branch Davidians by broadcasting the death screams of rabbits at deafening levels, “These Boots Are Made For Walking”, did donuts in tanks over the graves of family members, etc.?
If the top 3 are torture then Clinton and Reno engaged in torture STATESIDE.
I need to get the full context of what Senator Ted Cruz really said. If that's what he both said and intended, he needs to learn some hard lessons from Vice-President Dick Cheney...and pronto! In this case, I unabashedly stand with Dick!
Nuclear war has the potential to kill your citizenry by the hundreds of millions in a single day. You do what you have to do in order to stop people who have demonstrated that they mean your nation harm.
Sometimes squeemishness towards those who intend to slaughter you is childish and stupid.
I hope my statements are unambiguous.
Define torture....
The unspoken line, though, is the one to consider.
It is wrong, but if I have to be wrong for the right reasons, then I’ll be wrong. My people’s lives are more important than some terrorist’s comfort.
Another pu$$y. Great. Terrorists can cut our guys heads off with dull butter knives but heaven forbid we cause them a little pain to get information.
Ah, bur is enhanced interrogation torture? Does not the definition of torture include intent? John McCain was tortured by the North Vietnamese. The prisoners in Gitmo were subject to enhanced interrogation. There IS a difference.
Is losing your job or girlfriend a valid excuse for going out and shooting a bunch random people? Of course not, but liberals seem to think that Muslims are somehow justified in doing the same thing over any number of even more frivolous reason. Buying their oil, not giving them someone else’s land, thousand year old disputes, etc.
I’m against torture, too...
Our enemies deserve a bullet to the temple.
Let God sort them out.
Sorry, I don’t agree. When we’re dealing with terrorists and they don’t talk, we have to do whatever we must to get them to reveal their plans.
Civilized niceties are for civilized people. They are not meant to be extended to head choppers and homocide bombers. And you of all people, should be the first to appreciate the difference.
To quote from the Talmud, “he who is merciful to the cruel, will be cruel to the merciful.” Our enemies torture and execute people. And you would rather spare them unpleasant things like enhanced interrogation techniques to find out what they are up to because we’re civilized.
I would never spare an enemy bent on killing us all and who seeks to destroy my country from what he truly deserves. And Ted, please feel free to quote me on it.
Define “torture”...
I’m sure we could all come up with various definitions/concepts as to what constitutes “torture”...
Some very aggressive coercion on the other hand...
If they don’t confess, just let them outside with an electronic bracelet and say that the drones will be following them.
I don’t think waterboarding is torture.
So, I’m okay with that.
bull, to the crap.
First silly wrong thing I can recall him saying