Posted on 10/15/2014 5:07:50 AM PDT by BlatherNaut
Officials began testing a Canadian-made Ebola vaccine on human volunteers in the United States Monday.
The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research enlisted 39 healthy volunteers for the trial, and injected the first subject with the VSV-EBOV vaccine in phase 1 of testing Monday.
Canada supplied 20 vials of the vaccine for the trial, which medical officials will be monitoring predominately throughout the phase 1 trial for safety, and also to determine proper dosage level.
Officials divided the volunteers into three groups, the first of which received a low-dose of the vaccination and will need medical clearance from a safety commission, at which point the second group can receive the intermediate-dose. The second group will go through the same procedure, which includes blood tests to determine antibody production and monitoring for possible side effects before the third group is cleared to receive what is considered a high-dose, Col. Shon Remich of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research told
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I hope it works. How can tney spend billions looking for aids vaccine and find an ebola vaccine so quickly?
2nd patient in Dallas, AP at Breitbart.
Walter Reed eh? I wonder whom were the “volunteers” for this and was their choice between going into this program or going to Liberia?
Assuming this is successful, how long will it take to know, 6 months? At that point assuming all goes well, how long to ramp up production and how will the tier of vaccinations begin. My guess, it would be non PC of us to not give out the first doses across Africa and probably then to our senior politicians. BTW, I believe this is a Canadian firm with a US company having a license to use. That will determine the tiers also.
VSV-EBOV vaccine is a positive antibody solution to the epidemic problem of Ebola...I wonder why they are doing this now in 2014 - and not back in the 80’s?...or earlier...I wonder why Africa is always crapped on?
I guess knowledge of long term effects is not going to happen. Short term gain with long term risk?
So quickly? The same people who effed up the entire Ebola issue now want to inject me and my kids with this vaccine? No. Just no.
How will they test the effectiveness of a vaccine? And the virus can mutate just like the flu does every year...
Sounds like its recombinant DNA (or RNA ) technology and probably was not an option until recently. Virology and genetics have made huge strides recently.
Thank you for posting this.
I am a poor, old, slow, and dumb professional, but humor me this question: shouldn’t the tests be done on those with Ebola? What am I missing?
It’s a vaccine, not a cure - a preventative.
An ebola prevention market is emerging. Demand is growing. Government action (sending troops to hot zones) and inaction (refusing to take the logical steps necessary to prevent infected people from entering the U.S., failing to properly protect health care workers and the public-at-large) is at the root of rising demand. Who stands to financially benefit from this?
The current leadership has no interest in helping to eradicate Ebola.Open boarders, flights allowed to land in the US from known infected Ebola zones.
The end game is to instill panic.Open quarantine centers all over American. Isolate anyone with a common cold and if you didn’t have Ebola when you entered quarantine, you will certainly have it when released.
Economic collapse and complete tyrannical control along with depopulation which the elite have written extensively about.
We need to quit calling it the Ebola epidemic or the HN whatever the hell it is killing kids all over America, and start calling with EVERY thread, political speech and news article The Democrats Biological Warfare on America. Please help.
So is the testing for tolerance, not effectiveness in preventing?
Pastor Knew He Had AIDS When He Had Affairs, Church Says
But we can expect ebola survivors from Africa to be more honorable?
Since male ebola survivors are carriers for up to 80 days ...
Male Ebola survivors told: Use a condom [Reuters]
Do male ebola survivors get VISAs? Are they even instructed to use condoms at US airports? With the power to spread random ebola outbreaks via unprotected affairs, would you trust this policy with our nations daughters or should they have 80 day quarantines before given their VISAs? [aka illegal immigration passes]
Yes safety, and tolerable dosage levels. The company has developed and tested it on other primates.
Interesting note in the article said it might help someone who has contacted ebola create antibodies if given soon enough.
contacted => contracted
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