True, the RAT party was always scum, even before they were taken over by socialists and were just elitist agrarian slavery sympathizers. (and anyway, they've been controlled by socialists for at least a century, and probably longer since the William Jennings Bryan wing of the Dems took over the party in the 1890s)
But we'd be much more effective at pointing out the RAT party's eternal record of failure if we didn't have useful idiots on our side repeating the MSM propaganda about how the Democrats were "REALLY the conservative party prior to the 60s and 70s, when the two party's switched sides". Puke.
Yep. But when you’re dealing with an uneducated or plain unconcerned populace, 1984-type “speak” occurs.
For example, how many people know Kennedy signed the EO over an Easter Recess allowing Federal Employees to unionize? Even the patron saint of Amerikan Communism, FDR, saw how bad that would be and didn’t push for it.