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To: freedumb2003



(or Romney/Christie and the host of Ruling Class GOP-e stooges)

Not a damn dime’s worth of difference between any of them except the letter after their name.

A vote for any of them is the same damn thing as a vote for Hillary because the end result will be exactly the same: exponential growth of government and debt while flooding the nation with third world dependents with hand-outs on our dime.

So this juvenile attempt of yours at ‘admonishment’ only steels our resolve and makes it quite clear that if Conservatism is to survive, it must ditch the GOP or be rendered irrelevant.

226 posted on 10/01/2014 6:40:16 PM PDT by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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(or Romney/Christie and the host of Ruling Class GOP-e stooges)

Not a damn dime’s worth of difference between any of them except the letter after their name.<<

So your thesis is we would be just as bad now if Romney (who promised to overturn obozocare) had won. We would have no foreign policy, the economy would continue to tank, islam would no longer be considered terrorism and holder would be appointed racists in chief.

Thank for all that since you voted for it.

And hitlery will welcome your vote with open arms.

230 posted on 10/01/2014 6:44:14 PM PDT by freedumb2003 (Zimmerman, Brown, Fast & Furious, IRS harassment, Philly ignorance: holdering in 1st degree)
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