We will never see a real Tea Party nominee. It’s gonna be a RINO like Lindsey Graham who stands for nothing but perpetual war with no victory.
The Huckster and the Hulkster are very much alike, one is a make believe character and the other character is just plain make believe.
“Huck” is an insufferable horses ass.
Please no Huckabee!
A Huckabee Presidency might be a cloud with a red-white-and-blue lining. Hugeabee has always been obese, so if the GOPe picks him as the Presidential candidate and Hugeabee picks a true conservative like Cruz or Palin as his VP, the stress of the Presidency may lead him to succumb to obesity and type 2 diabetes, leading to a Cruz or Palin Presidency. (Mitt Romney’s good health is undoubtedly a reason the GOPe likes him so much.) That shouldn’t be the first scenario conservatives work for, but it could very well end up as our ace in the sleeve.
Stick to your variety show gig Huck. You do less damage there.
Is Huckaphony running in the ‘Rat primary?
I’ll let hillary have it before I will vote for him!
I understand what he’s saying about being a governor over someone with legislative only experience.
But The Huck is just not what I’m looking for. From the way he dresses to the way he talks, he doesn’t have a command presence.
We have that now
Huckabee is trying to get the Christian vote. I saw him on Christian tv a few months ago. To bad he’s not trying to get the Conservative vote. I heard his radio snippet asking the Right to avoid using the word RINO.
Its no longer about executive experience. The situation is too dire to focus only on that. What’s needed is a Republican candidate with a solid Conservative foundation and able to clearly promote it and be willing to take on the Left and any GOPe allies they have to undo the damage done by leftwing policies.
It’s too bad George Washington wasn’t a governor before he became president. Same with Abraham Lincoln. Both would have done much better jobs if only they had been governors of a state like Arkansas. At the very least just think how much better they would have done if only they had had their own talk shows.
Lousy Governor, state party-killing RINO in AR (set the state GOP back 40 years when he left office), and militantly pro-illegals, and those are his good points...
Huckster exists to pull the stupid Chiristian *vote who get worried about edgier conservative candidates like Kruz.
Jimmah carter was the same trick.
* yes I am Christian too. And we all know the preachy type that are looking for a preacher in chief.
I don’t like anybody that pretends they’re as cool as Mr. Roberts.
Huck and Santorum, two retreads, kept politically alive by the Todd Akin wing of the GOP.
“How deluded is he?”
To answer your question, the movie “Elmer Gantry” comes immediately to mind.
No executive experience > Experience of being a lousy executive
He is being set up as a stalking horse,to split the conservative vote and we get another Rino,period