Sherman actually has something here. The trouble I've had with support for "moderate" Muslims has been that we have no reliable intelligence that would enable us to keep it from going to the very bad guys we're possibly fighting. Even more, as it stands now, the most likely effect of our involvement against ISIS will be a
de facto alliance with Iran that will enable the Iranians to get their much-craved nukes. IOW the Mahdi will lead us from the frying pan to the fire, something he no doubt craves to do.
The solution to this, painful and expensive as it seems, is to regard Iran and ISIS as two sides of the same coin, radical Islamic terrorism, and to attack both simultaneously. If done decisively, that would eliminate the entire threat. Equally important, it would enable us to view Assad as no more than the somewhat irritating, but not really threatening, typical Mudlsime dictator that he would be and leave him in place to control the really rabid Mudslimes that are a serious threat to both of us.
Turning back to representative Sherman, this means his idea of a full debate, before giving the Mahdi the money he's asked for, is an excellent idea because it will reinforce Congress' constitutional role in war making and enable Congress to force the Mahdi to explain his war objectives, including how he will avoid turning the USAF into Iran's de facto air force and giving de facto consent to Iran's nuclear program.
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To: libstripper
Translation: “If you stop ISIS, that will spare the lives of Christians. Christians oppose leftism, and therefore they are evil.”
2 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:25 AM PDT by
To: libstripper
Sherman has no point.
ISIS was created by Obama interfering and instigating in Syria.
Those “Moderate” rebels McCain was agitating to arm and Obama was eager to cuddle?
The solution is to destroy all of Obama’s buddies.
ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
3 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:33 AM PDT by
(Try my coffee! First one's free..... Even robots will kill for it!)
To: libstripper
Its almost like we shoulda left the scumbags who were in charge alone.
4 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:43 AM PDT by
(I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
To: libstripper
I tend to agree with this premise, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna not spray the fire ants in hopes that the cockroaches won’t invade the house when they’re gone...
Kill ‘me all, or die trying!
5 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:47 AM PDT by
DJ Frisat
(Proudly providing the NSA with provocative textual content since 1995!)
To: libstripper
6 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:52 AM PDT by
(Cover it with gas and set it on fire.)
To: libstripper
Not sure if he is advocating letting the Muslims fight it out and weaken each other. (What Israel was advocating last I heard.)
Or if he is just a rat with a victim mentality that we lose no matter what we do, so do nothing.
7 posted on
09/10/2014 10:49:52 AM PDT by
To: libstripper
Simple Proposal:
Bomb bad islamonazis.
If worse ones show up, bomb them too.
It’s quite easy, actually.
We’re in WW III whether we admit it or not. They are all coming after us one way or another.
The only “good” jihadi is a dead one.
Bomb them all as they show up.
8 posted on
09/10/2014 10:50:25 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(Clinton / Bush 2016?)
To: libstripper
Kill all the Moslem men and sell all the children and women?
That would mirror Islam's solution for the Infidel Problem.
9 posted on
09/10/2014 10:50:42 AM PDT by
(Read Hazlitt's Economics In One Lesson ONLINE
To: libstripper
But Iran and Assad are as tight as a Reese’s peanut butter cup. How are you going to attack Iran while elevating Assad?
To: libstripper
In other words, rather than a Valarie Jarrett approach, take a John Bolton approach to foreign policy.
11 posted on
09/10/2014 10:50:50 AM PDT by
(When people fear government there is tyranny; when government fears people there is liberty)
To: libstripper
I can’t get past that this “warning” is coming from a democrat. We know their record.
12 posted on
09/10/2014 10:51:05 AM PDT by
(A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own.)
To: libstripper
So the Junior Junior Varsity?
To: libstripper
Forces That Will Rise If ISIS Is Destroyed Are Nearly as Evil as ISIS "Nearly as.."? OK. I can live with something less evil than ISIS. Hopefully the forces that arise after them will also be "nearly as evil" as well.
We can eventually break them all the way down.
15 posted on
09/10/2014 10:53:21 AM PDT by
(Linux -- The Ultimate Windows Service Pack)
To: libstripper
16 posted on
09/10/2014 10:53:53 AM PDT by
Eccl 10:2
(Prov 3:5 --- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding")
To: libstripper
The congressman is obviously not familiar with the principles of Whack-a-Mole! Let’s start!
To: libstripper
The trouble I've had with support for "moderate" Muslims has been that we have no reliable intelligence that would enable us to keep it from going to the very bad guys we're possibly fighting. Forget the "moderates". They are unmotivated to fight. It's the extremists who are the most motivated to fight.
19 posted on
09/10/2014 10:55:09 AM PDT by
(You don't notice it's a police state until the police come for you.)
To: libstripper
1) Destroy ISIS
2) Destroy whatever evil b*stards come next
3) Repeat strep 2 until they get the message
20 posted on
09/10/2014 10:55:58 AM PDT by
(I'm not an unreasonable man... well, actually, I am. But hear me out anyway.)
To: libstripper
destroying ISIS would only empower those fighting against the terrorist group who are almost as evil as ISIS. Looks like we got a whole lot o' killing to do ... to bad our so-called "president" is a third-world kenyan mohammedan communist impostor.
To: libstripper
After they killed the American there was no alternative.
22 posted on
09/10/2014 10:56:37 AM PDT by
To: libstripper
Not if we nuke the region.
23 posted on
09/10/2014 10:57:00 AM PDT by
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