To: safetysign
I believe Dorian Johnson will snitch out his crime partner, say Michael was going for Officer Wilson’s gun, to avoid charges related to the robbery and later fight & shooting incident in the street.
To: TexasCajun
This dude has been totally removed from testifying. One lie does it. The prosecution will not use him.
To: TexasCajun
Don’t forget, if he was involved, or simply walking with, Mikey when he was killed, Johnson can be charged with felony murder.
23 posted on
08/29/2014 6:43:34 AM PDT by
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
To: TexasCajun
I believe Dorian Johnson will snitch out his crime partner, say Michael was going for Officer Wilsons gun, to avoid charges related to the robbery and later fight & shooting incident in the street. If he does, he can look forward to at least the prospect of a long dirt nap.
37 posted on
08/29/2014 6:58:13 AM PDT by
(Democrats: the Party of slavery to the immensely wealthy for over 200 years.)
To: TexasCajun
"I believe Dorian Johnson will snitch out his crime partner"Before that would happen, if he's in federal custody under Holder, Dorian will have an unfortunate accident.
To: TexasCajun
Dorian Johnson is facing murder charges in the death of his criminal accomplice if it shown the dead kid had assaulted the officer.
Dorian is stuck between a life sentence and a witness protection program.
134 posted on
08/29/2014 10:08:12 PM PDT by
(Conservative is not a label of convenience. It is a guide to your actions.)
To: TexasCajun
I believe Dorian Johnson will snitch out his crime partner, say Michael was going for Officer Wilsons gun, to avoid charges related to the robbery and later fight & shooting incident in the street.And that will be the only way we'll ever find out about the unarmed gentle giant's past. You know this lawsuit for his juvie record will be fought and delayed and fought some more for years so they won't have to release it until long after he's forgotten.
151 posted on
08/30/2014 12:44:27 PM PDT by
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