Posted on 07/19/2014 1:42:33 PM PDT by Resettozero
Edited on 07/19/2014 6:15:08 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history] said yourself you “evolved”
But evolution is just changing to the pressures of environment...
Evolution is niche opportunism..
It is by nature unprincipled. .
Its going with the flow..
Mr. Beck, you evolve, you adapted, to be a creature of Obamas American....
Kind of like Vichy did in 40
Twenty-five Americans per day day, Mr. Beck...where's the charity for THOSE families?
Yesterday Mark Steyn said if were going to truck teddy bears to the gangbangers on the border, maybe we could consider chipping in to replace Mullah Omars lost collection of Rod Stewart music.
Mark is the best, I wish he had his own show. He is so much better than "Beck and his giggling hyenas. The only thing about Mark is you have to really be attentive to appreciate his wit.
“soy un perdedor”
You’re a loser, baby
I think Glenn regrets leaving Fox, but he may not have had a choice. Maybe by openly displaying RINO tendencies, Glenn hopes to get his Fox job back. His present ventures have been profitable, but I think Glenn misses being popular and/or notorious along with the money.
(that was meant for Beck, not you!)
People misunderstand Glenn Beck.
First of all, despite how he has been depicted over the years, Glenn Beck is not, and never was, a conservative. He is a libertarian, a somewhat different breed of cat. He is not interested in the justice of the matter concerning the kids so unceremoniously dumped, so to speak, on our doorstep, he is moved to humanitarian concerns. Are they being fed and given decent care? Are they well housed? Are they somewhat protected from the predatory types that are circling to take unfair advantage of their situation, perhaps for some kind of exploitation?
Lord knows, these kids will have some astonishing stories to tell in future years, how are they going to remember the days they spent in detention, and possibly being trucked all over the country, before they come to a stable and dependable sort of family situation? Will they be able to return to their country of nativity? Will they even have a choice about that?
Compassion is not Marxism, nor should a phony government-sponsored “compassion”, using other people’s money, be allowed to substitute for REAL charity. This from Glenn Beck is from the heart, and has a real emotional component.
I feel for the kids. They shouldn’t be here, helpless pawns in a game of thrones played with people moved about at the whim of some high authority, that has absolutely no empathy for the plight of the persons being thrust nilly-willy from place to place. It must stop, and the situation made right.
Eventually, nearly all the kids will have to be returned to what is a better situation than where they came from, with the changes that must be made in their native countries. We cannot absorb then in an orderly manner, nor should we. But we don’t have to make their lives living hell until the situation does get sorted out.
There are those on FR who smiled when they saw your post. I did.
I can’t listen to his ‘sermons’ any more. He really jumped the shark when he didn’t support the Bundy ranch. I soured on him then.
Don’t cry Glenn
I’d of preferred my Senator Cruz to have stood by all of us protesting this invasion, yesterday and today, rather than handing out toys to the illegals...with GB.
Yes, and I was able to do that yesterday...I couldn't stop laughing.
I got my Blaze cancellation confirmation today! Beck has completely gone to the dark side. Maybe Pat can do his Yoda impression and call out Beck (dark side). Then, again....
I can’t tell if Beck is completely insane or simply an incorrigible publicity junky. My guess, actually, is both. I don’t listen to word this guy says anymore. He’s got about as much credibility as Michael Moore.
That was bad. So was his dramatic declaration that he would "stand" with the queers at GLAAD. Right around that time he went from irritating to sickening.
“Cruz is a big boy.”
I’m hoping he took the chance to get a good look at who is coming in. And then broadcast it! But the govt. probably made sure they only saw a few toddlers. I don’t know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
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