On a serious note, I don’t care what the man’s politics are, even if he was a conservative, a guy who can’t stop eating so he gets “bariatric surgery” is not someone I trust to be President. If you can’t govern yourself....
And even in a country that’s pretty fat, a big fat slob is not an attractive candidate, Taft was way before TV.
Ugly is also a problem for Hillary, WARREN, and Andrew Cuomo too if you ask me.
What do the ladies think of Cuomo, Randita?
“...If you cant govern yourself.......”
That’s a really good point.
Also could be said for womanizing - See “Willie, Slick, circa 1992-2000”
Cuomo - meh. Not particularly attractive, IMO, and too Type A (NY breeds these types) and serious. The heavy accent does not help him with southerners and fly by country.