Reckon it wasn’t fool-proff after all...
You can’t fix stupid and the stupid is strong in that one.
If you’re inventing something fool proof, don’t start testing it with a member of their hall of fame.
A lot of people, including me, would want to know that the STOP button works. Ideally, the car would pull off the traveled portion of the road, before completely shutting down.
The same thing happened to her when she was busted on an episode of “Bait Car”!
Who over the age of five jumps in a vehicle and just starts pushing buttons, let alone in a prototype vehicle? Is it really that hard to figure out what a “kill” switch does? Or was she just drawn to it because it was bright red or something?
Eleanor Holmes Moron - let the bitch walk!
ROFL....... [heavy breathing]...... ROFL.......
the mushroom button
BOOM !!!
Did you hear this woman try to speak at the last Koskinen IRS hearing? She is an incomprehensible neandrithal...
perhaps foolproof, not feminist-racist-socialist-proof.
asking a gal not to push a red button is like asking a gal not to eat from that one tree.
Now a drive-less car?
How can she possibly resist the maddening urge to eradicate history at the mere push of a single button? The beautiful, shiny button? The jolly, candy-like button? Will she hold out, folks? Can she hold out?
"You killed the car."