To: sickoflibs; Impy; NFHale; Fungi; GeronL; GOPsterinMA; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued; BillyBoy
Although I was born into a middle class family, I have always mentally FELT like I am filthy rich and have millions of dollars available. Wealth isn't merely determined by income, it is also a state of mind. Mentally I feel I was born into wealth like the Kennedy's or Rockefellers. I simply relate to other lifelong millionaires and NOT to people in my own income bracket.
I am a millionaire trapped into a non-millionaire's body. It is very hurtful to me when people won't let me into exclusive clubs or serve me Kobe Beef or provide me with a limo equipped with a swimming pool, simply because of physical income. I didn't choose not to be born a millionaire. It simply the way I am.
We need to stop discrimination and hate against unfortunate trans-income people like myself. If people want to respect the feelings of the trans-income community, they need to look beyond the surface and accept my true identity. No doubt progressives can help aide in this cause by always referring to me as "the millionaire" in publications and treating me as such whenever I go out in public. Eventually I hope to be able to have limousine liberals like Michael Moore provide income-reassignment treatments so I no longer have to live in shame knowing I can't be the person I've always seen myself as on the inside.
50 posted on
06/22/2014 12:39:09 AM PDT by
(Looking at the weather lately, I could really use some 'global warming' right now!)
To: BillyBoy
Part of being an NBA star is being rich so I know exactly how you feel. Everyday that I go without a hot tub full of floozies, I die a little inside.
51 posted on
06/22/2014 1:23:52 AM PDT by
To: BillyBoy; sickoflibs; Impy; NFHale; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued
You are a true pioneer for the trans-income community. Applause to you, for you are an enlightened being.
To: BillyBoy; a fool in paradise
I am sure we can come up with something better than transincome...
60 posted on
06/22/2014 10:21:38 AM PDT by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: BillyBoy
Too funny!
62 posted on
06/22/2014 11:52:48 AM PDT by
(The War on Drugs is Big Government statism)
To: BillyBoy
“income-reassignment treatments”
Howlingly funny.
Well done.
69 posted on
06/22/2014 8:09:44 PM PDT by
(Any attempt to move a government to the left is a crime against humanity.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson