Might I ask what further steps you are going to take? Since the Archdiocese was aware this was taking place (it's on the website for the Archdiocese) you'll have to go over their head to report it.
Oh wow, I did not see that it was also on the Archdiocese website. I assumed that was a mistake on icwhatudo’s part. (Sorry, my mistake!)
Ok well this makes this much clearer then. At least for me.
First, consider this (also from the archdiocese website): http://www.archbalt.org/ministries/courage/index.cfm
It’s clear to me at least the official policy for such a ministry is based on this “Courage” apostolate. Which states in part, “From our web site you will learn about same-sex attractions and chastity. By developing an interior life of chastity, which is the universal call to all Christians, one can move beyond the confines of the homosexual label to a more complete identity in Christ.”
Which is entirely different than celebrating gay sex.
So the fact that the archdiocese promotes this apostolate as well as the flyer in the OP leads me to believe this is a manifestation of that “Courage” lay apostolate.
As NKP_Vet said (and he’s correct) Bishop Lori is no “liberal” Catholic. There is no way he would allow an activity to be promoted on his website that, to the best of his knowledge endorsed homosexual behavior.
Now with all that said, the language in the flyer does read like any other “gay pride” thing. I can definitely see that. So here’s the plan:
I’m going to wait on this “Gordon Creamer”’s response and if he doesn’t get back to me by Friday, I’m going to reach out to friends I know who went to that church to see if they have any insights. Then, if not, I may try to contact the pastor directly. Then, if that is fruitless, I will do one of two things:
1. I will contact the archdiocese for assurance that this group is taking guidance from the “Courage” ministry.
2. I will attend the meeting they will be having on the 24th personally. And find out directly.
I kind of lean towards #2, but I have a long commute every day, so I don’t know if I will have the energy for it. Especially since it might entail some kind of confrontation. I don’t know. We’ll see. One step at a time!
Ultimately though, I’m not as concerned as I used to be knowing the flyer itself is on the same website that promotes the “Courage” ministry. After all, it would be incredibly schizophrenic of them, don’t you think, to promote something like “Courage” and yet also support something that condones gay sex? The thought boggles the mind.
But maybe this is something that’s slipped under Abp. Lori’s radar. Maybe they are pulling a switcheroo. Like I said, we’ll see!
After further digging I found this:
Which track backs to this:
Which also links to this blog (that apparently is watching this very thread):
Interesting don’t you think? It seems the militant gays are scared about this too. I wonder why....
Let’s be real: they are worried for the exact opposite reason than we. For me, that’s a huge relief. It’s a huge relief to know the militant homosexual, who seeks to celebrate their behavior rather than embrace Christ, is worried about this same event.
And I submit, it should alleviate at least some concern around here.
For the record I’m still going ahead with the plans I described earlier. Just thought I’d share these findings now.