Crony corrupt capitalism. $600k to appease the Clinton machine.
Chelsea had also worked for a hedge fund, doing God knows what, in the past.
Why are these people allowed to be in the evil 1%? Why don’t the liberals call them out for getting jobs due to connections, jobs for which they don’t have to do the same work as the rest of us????
She got $600K a year for being Bill Clinton’s daughter. Amazing.......
Maybe she can use some of that money to help support her destitute parents.
Probably just to help her mommy and daddy get out of debt and nearly being bankrupt when they left the white house. Poor things. Now I really feel bad for them. NOT!
The state controlled "media" cracks me up.
These DemocRATS sure love these no-show (or minimum show) high paying jobs for their spouses, children and cronies.
Well, after all......she and her momma were “dead broke.”
It’s only fair.
She’s got no discernible ability...which demonstrates the truism that the witchette doesn’t cackle far from the witch.
And, as such, she is an obvious fit for the MSM.
Sad to see that Oxford lowered their standards as much as Harvard.
Face it, the wench is as dumb as dirt.
Special? $600K? Yah, that's special, alright. She's worth *cough* every dollar!
Doesn’t NBC have shareholders?
I suppose it’s 600,000 annual salary is just a payoff for future access. So that represents the shareholder value?
and just exactly what did the little darling do????
Chelsea check your privilege.
Must be nice to be ‘dead broke’ and ‘struggling’ on such a pittance
I’d like to see them provide verifiable proof that the little twitch has done any appreciable and provable work for NBC. Otherwise it has all of the appearances (most likely) of political payoffs and money laundering. NBC is no more than a key part of the democrat party propaganda machine.
Can we just call this what it is: an offering to the Queen-in-waiting (Hillary). Chelsea certainly doesn’t offer anything of value to NBC apart from being the spawn of the Clinton’s.
NBC was paid to pay her. They are not stupid. Of course they are corrupt as well.
The Clinton ‘Contagion’.
Chelsea is cashing in on daddy’s name just like mom does. Hillary and Chelsea have nothing without Bill. So much for the strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man to advance in life.