Posted on 04/21/2014 9:55:29 AM PDT by opentalk
With a margin of error +/- 3%, Rasmussen found Americans belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ remains strong.
86% of American adults believe that Jesus Christ walked the Earth 2,000 years ago, while just seven percent (7%) dont share this belief.
Furthermore, 77% of those polled believe Jesus rose from the dead. This is only a percentage point lower (within the margin of error) than in 2011 and 2010, when 78% espoused the same belief.
Rasmussen claims a 95% level of confidence in their report.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sadly most just see it as some abstract idea that requires no further investigation.
The demons know Jesus rose from the dead but are in open rebellion.
The other 33% are liberals...................
Ummm, it isn't a belief, it is a well-documented historical account. Even if, as is likely the case, this same 7% voted for ObaMao multiple times and believe that he is the moon god incarnate, it doesn't change the fact of a 2000 year old history.
Until Hollyweird makes a film showing it was all a scam and it was his twin brother who came out of tomb. It will be hailed by so-called Chritian leaders as an interesting reinterpretation before they even see it.
possible title: Jesus and Jude
______ I put nothing beyond Hollyweirds agenda
110% !!
On Judgment Day that figure will rise to 100%.
Until Hollyweird makes a film showing it was all a scam and it was his twin brother who came out of tomb. It will be hailed by so-called Chritian leaders as an interesting reinterpretation before they even see it.
Hollyweird is going to do it eventually
Exactly. IIRC Jesus is even mentioned in the Koran. Given that the Muslims and Jews don’t seem to see eye-to-eye (to put it mildly), that’s a non-Biblical supported sighting.
Even then they’ll deny it................
Well, they’d be perfect. They have experience:
“Five out of four people have trouble with fractions.”
— Steven Wright
Can I see that in a pie chart?
Josephus wrote about Jesus and even described him.........
But many people don't believe all well documented historical accounts. There are those who believe the lunar landings were fake. That a plane didn't hit the Pentagon. And back to my comment, of those that don't, what are they doing with that information?
People believe in the well documented historical account of the founding of our nation but have abandoned those principles and look where it has gotten us.
How many witnesses were there and how many documented the event? And do all the written notes describe the same event?
Sadly, it’s the other 23 percent who set American policy.
How and why do people believe this?
How do people believe this?
Do you just mean why?
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