> Ban knives?
I see banning weapons has worked out well military bases.../s
Impossible, schools are a knife free zone.
Armed with two knives a 16-year-old student attacked his classmates this morning.
What prescribed meds he is on?
Still waiting on a perp name and a face...
No knifes zones in 3..2..1...
The student who pulled the fire alarm should be suspended, expelled and charged under the zero tolerance policy. Obviously no fire occurred. Standards people, standards. Plus secret double probation.
Once again another nut going hunting in the liberal created fish in a barrel because he knows nobody is going to shoot at him. That’s why they do this, they flip out on a power trip. Let’s see them do it though with armed guards and teachers walking around. Our low life scum sucking liberal politicians get taxpayer supported 24 hour armed guards but not our kids. Our kids get lined up for potential target practice every day they go to school.
Hope a few of those injured were hurt fighting their way to the front of the line to kick the crap out of this punk.
No... what you do is what should have been done for years in these type situations i.e., Columbine, Aurora Theater shooting, etc. They were caught on camera or in the act.. No Trial, No waste of millions on a court trial, years of bullshit delays, housing and feeding the scum and everything else that’s wasted on these type POS.
Review the video or if you caught them in the act you kill him right there on the spot. I don’t give a damn why he did it, don’t care about his family life, his upbringing, any reasons or excuses the left can come with or anything else, just kill him and it’s over.
KNIFE CONTROL..!!! So a whack job goes on a stabbing rampage that lasted what..20+ minutes, would have been nice if someone at the school had a gun to take out the bad guy but I forgot, its a gun free zone, apparently its also a knife free zone too
The only way to ban crime is to ban people.
Two knives eh? Somehow a scene from the movie DEAD ALIVE (BRAINDEAD) popped into my mind.
What? No wall-to-wall coverage?
No calls in Congress to pass knife control laws?
Harry Reid not blaming the NKA (National Knife Association)?
Michelle Obama not calling for finger foods only in all school cafeterias?
Not being flippant as I know 2 are in critical condition It had to be a traumatic situation for the students.
It does prove a major point. These situations are not about weapons.
Has the type of knife been released? I ask because I did hear Rod What’s-his-name say now the authorities will want to know how the student was able to get the weapon on to school property.
I see this as an important lesson to gun users. Knives are a superb complement to having a gun, especially in a close quarters situation, in the defense or the offense.
In the trench warfare of World War I, soldiers quickly realized that the ideal weapons for fighting in trenches are a pistol in one hand, and a trench knife in the other. If the enemy is at a stand off distance, use the gun. If they are in your face, the knife is better.
And being indoors is little different from a trench with a ceiling.
Importantly, movement outdoors in a riot, mob, or “wilding” is much the same. Instead of walls, you are surrounded with bodies. Some are the enemy and some are indifferent.
But if the mob turns on you, you have very effective stand off distance with them, and might even change the flow of the mob away from you, with a pistol and a knife.
In my Tennessee high school he would have been jumped by a dozen other knife-wielding boys because when I was young almost every boy had a knife on him at all times, even at school.
If you see posts of interest to Pennsylvanians, please ping me.
Read more at: http://www.heavy.com/news/2014/04/franklin-regional-stabber-alex-hribal/