I only have an Associate's degree (earned it on-line, part-time) - I am in a position with my company that requires a 4-year degree (minimum), and routinely out-duel guys with multiple degrees come lay-off time.
Dad taught me that hard work and integrity (and common-sense) will (eventually) trump everything else.
A favorite and oft heard line on job sites and shop floors all over “and I told that engineer.....”
Good on ya. I only had a high school ed. but during my 36 year career I showed that I could do the job and went from a grade 7 mechanic to a senior engineer position by the time my career ended. Am I that smart? Maybe, maybe not. I think that I could pick out a particular “tree” in a forest full of them and understand how it worked and how to take the best advantage of it. Either that or I was REALLY good at fooling management. LOL! Or maybe it was because I was willing to do whatever it took to get the job done safely and as close to schedule as possible. Plus sometimes telling the bosses certain truths they didn’t like but knew were right.