'Nuff said...
1 posted on
12/19/2013 9:21:55 AM PST by
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
*PING* for your global warming list.
2 posted on
12/19/2013 9:23:58 AM PST by
(Small town America - last stand for God, freedom, civility, and American values.)
To: CedarDave
Not familiar with reddit.
Part of the regime, or independent progressives?
3 posted on
12/19/2013 9:24:30 AM PST by
(Wish everyone see a "Gay Kwanzaa")
To: CedarDave
If a science discussion forbids interaction with those who disagree, then the science-y part is eliminated. Science has always been about requiring the person proclaiming something to provide proof. Reproducible proof. Repeatedly reproducible proof.
What they have done is to convert a science discussion into a religious one.
4 posted on
12/19/2013 9:28:13 AM PST by
(A half-truth is a complete lie)
To: CedarDave
Reddit: Leftist mouthpiece.
6 posted on
12/19/2013 9:32:52 AM PST by
(Government is best which governs least.)
To: CedarDave
I just cancelled Reddit.. Now we’re even.. Next.. :)
7 posted on
12/19/2013 9:32:56 AM PST by
(Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.. Henry Kissinger)
To: CedarDave
The "experts" are trying to keep the climate change/global warming/cooling gravy train rolling, despite the fact that they've been shown to be liars.
9 posted on
12/19/2013 9:49:07 AM PST by
Major Matt Mason
("Journalism is dead. All news is suspect." - Noamie)
To: CedarDave
Happy Kwanzaa, Festivus, Ramadan, and St. Barry Day to all Here are the liberals' gifts to us:
- Man caused Global Warming is settled science - deniers will be burned at the stake as heretics with closed minds
- Obamacare is settled law and will remain so for eternity - opposition is proof of racism
- Those born into "White Privilege" must expect to pay - and pay, and pay...
- Islam is the religion of peace - accept it or prepare to die
- You didn't build that - whatever it msy be
- Michelle Obama is beautiful and smart
10 posted on
12/19/2013 9:49:34 AM PST by
Iron Munro
(Orwell: There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.)
To: CedarDave
It’s time for decent, traditional values Americans to stand up to the PC/diversity (so long as you AGREE WITH US)/tolerance (IF YOU DON’T TOLERATE OUR WARPED VALUES AND OUR EFFORTS TO TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN WE WILL DESTROY YOU) HYPOCRITES and tell them that the resistance has finally begun!
12 posted on
12/19/2013 10:27:51 AM PST by
Dick Bachert
To: CedarDave
Since this thread isn’t locked (yet), I’ll state this again here:
I think all Freepers should go sign up for Reddit and make a point to log at least one comment a day.
I’m finding the thought of Reddit mods pulling their hair out to fulfill their censorship very, very amusing today.
To: CedarDave
When you are trying to promote a lie, especially a non-scientific lie in a publication that pretends to tell people about Science, then you have to silence all who tell the truth.
Reddit learned a lot from Goebbels, Stalin and the North Korean leader Kim BozoDung (or whatever his name is).
To: CedarDave; 11B40; A Balrog of Morgoth; A message; ACelt; Aeronaut; AFPhys; AlexW; alrea; ...
To: CedarDave
You can’t blame them. Selling Guyana Kool-Aid gets less popular as word gets out.
20 posted on
12/19/2013 7:17:14 PM PST by
((zOld storm chaser from the west)/ ?s)
To: CedarDave
Liberal elites need to drop the pretenses - they want to ban all conservative speech...
21 posted on
12/20/2013 7:35:54 AM PST by
("Remember who the real enemy is... ")
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