1 posted on
11/13/2013 2:26:36 PM PST by
Jean S
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To: Jean S
27,000 people could use the federal website, vs twice that number who were able to use state websites...
Ahh, yes, federalism always saves time and trouble...
2 posted on
11/13/2013 2:30:10 PM PST by
(Everything starts with slashing the size and scope of the federal government.)
To: Jean S
The Dems used to talk about the 40 million people without healthcare.
Now they can talk about the 200 million without healthcare..............
7 posted on
11/13/2013 2:31:54 PM PST by
Red Badger
(Proud member of the Zeta Omicron Tau Fraternity since 2004...................)
To: Jean S
More people bought ammo in any single day!
8 posted on
11/13/2013 2:32:15 PM PST by
Red in Blue PA
(When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.-Thomas Jefferson)
To: Jean S
However, Medicaid "benefits," are overwhelmed by an additional 396,000 approved applicants, according to HHS
9 posted on
11/13/2013 2:32:50 PM PST by
(Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
To: Jean S
10 posted on
11/13/2013 2:32:52 PM PST by
VRW Conspirator
(Obama is a proven liar, an admitted liar, an unrepentent liar.)
To: Jean S
How many of those have made the first payment, and how many chose Medicaid?
11 posted on
11/13/2013 2:36:51 PM PST by
(Keep Obama and you aint seen nothing yet.)
To: Jean S; Larry Lucido; F15Eagle
13 posted on
11/13/2013 2:41:40 PM PST by
(If you have to be One,be a Big Red One.)
To: Jean S
106,185 people have successfully applied for and chosen private insurance through the health care law's new marketplacesThese f'n RATs need to speak English. Did they pay for it? Is choosing private insurance the same as putting it into a shopping basket.
15 posted on
11/13/2013 2:43:36 PM PST by
(Molon Labe - shall not be questioned)
To: Jean S
On the bright side:
Enrollment is up 4,500% over day one !!!
16 posted on
11/13/2013 2:44:18 PM PST by
Iron Munro
(When a killer screams 'Allahu Akbar' you don't need to be mystified about a motive.)
To: Jean S
21 posted on
11/13/2013 2:56:22 PM PST by
VRWC For Truth
(Roberts has perverted the Constitution)
To: Jean S; All
States marked with asterisks are those implementing their own marketplaces.
Alabama: 624
Alaska: 53
Arizona: 739
Arkansas: 250
California*: 35,364
Colorado*: 3,736
Connecticut*: 4,418
Delaware: 97
District of Columbia*: N/A
Florida: 3,571
Georgia: 1,390
Hawaii*: N/A
Idaho: 338
Illinois: 1,370
Indiana: 701
Iowa: 136
Kansas: 371
Kentucky*: 5,586
Louisiana: 387
Maine: 271
Maryland*: 1,284
Massachusetts*: N/A
Michigan: 1,329
Minnesota*: 1,774
Mississippi: 148
Missouri: 751
Montana: 212
Nebraska: 338
Nevada*: 1,217
New Hampshire: 269
New Jersey: 741
New Mexico: 172
New York*: 16,404
North Carolina: 1,662
North Dakota: 42
Ohio: 1,150
Oklahoma: 346
Oregon*: N/A
Pennsylvania: 2,207
Rhode Island*: 1,192
South Carolina: 572
South Dakota: 58
Tennessee: 992
Texas: 2,991
Utah: 357
Vermont*: 1,325
Virginia: 1,023
Washington*: 7,091
West Virginia: 174
Wisconsin: 877
Wyoming: 85
23 posted on
11/13/2013 3:02:04 PM PST by
(The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.)
To: Jean S
Those in the Republican’s district who agrees with Landrieu’s bill (the guy who was pro-CFL light bulbs) should be flooding his email and voicemail and going to his office.
I agree with Rush’s assertion that Republicans actually wan’t 0bummercare to succeed.
25 posted on
11/13/2013 3:25:50 PM PST by
(“Life is hard, but it’s harder when you’re stupid.” John Wayne)
To: Jean S
What’s the age breakdown? That’s even more important than the numbers.
26 posted on
11/13/2013 3:31:32 PM PST by
(If Islam is the solution, the "problem" must be freedom.)
To: Jean S
Approx 70,000 per month means over 350 years to sign up 300 million.
27 posted on
11/13/2013 3:45:45 PM PST by
(All they that TAKE the sword shall perish with the sword. Matthew 26:52 Gun grabbers beware.)
To: Jean S
Seems to me those that are signing up are those motivated... Those that have a precondition or people getting it free.
Paying customers, probably not so much so.
28 posted on
11/13/2013 3:46:38 PM PST by
( .)
>> 106,185 people have successfully applied for...
That’s not enrolled. I bet zero are enrolled.
31 posted on
11/13/2013 4:08:59 PM PST by
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Jean S
Gonna go out on a limb and guess that the entire 27K were folks with serious health problems who couldn’t get anything before. The books ought to balance really fast when their bills start coming in. As with car insurance I always thot there should be a hi-risk system to help with really serious problems. But Kenyoncare doesn’t really address that without doing serious damage every where else.
33 posted on
11/13/2013 4:25:44 PM PST by
(skip the names---just kick the buttz)
To: Jean S
Is the information about this debacle reaching - and influencing - those Rush Limbaugh calls low information voters?
34 posted on
11/13/2013 4:28:32 PM PST by
To: Jean S
When you’re making Jerry Brown look like a tech-savvy genius, you’re in trouble.
38 posted on
11/13/2013 4:59:53 PM PST by
( (It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged. --G.K. Chesterton))
To: Jean S
More people in the USA watch Danching with the Stars in one night than all the people who have signed up with Obamacare in one month.... Super Failure.
More people watch MSNBC in one night in the USA than all the people who have signed up with Obamacare in one month.
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