If you disagree with him in any way shape or form you are a disloyal, evil Tea Partier, a "white hispanic", or a Republican or conservative.
And a racist, of course.
Our SEALs need to avoid getting on helicopters or going to gun ranges. I still want more details on Chris Kyle’s killer.
Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette - the former commander of Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3, U.S.S. John C. Stennis) - was relieved of his post after contending that aircraft from his strike group could have made it to the scene in Tripoli in time to aid/rescue the trapped personnel. Officially, Gaouette was forcibly-retired for making "racially-insensitive remarks" and public use of profanity; the real reason he was forced out was for daring to contradict administration propaganda about Benghazi.1
This little fairy tale keeps getting told with every one of these accounts. It is demonstrably untrue, as the Admiral and his carrier task group were in the Arabian Sea supporting operations in Afghanistan when the attack on Benghazi ocurred. So, he probably was relieved following a pissing contest with the skipper of his flagship as has been reported elsewhere. This one is so easy to bebunk that I am chalking everything else up as nonsense until actual facts emerge. These stories are certainly suffering from a facts shortage.
I knew we were in trouble when the memorandum came down saying it wasn’t fair to evaluate Soldiers based on their performance in combat. That’s like saying you should evaluate a Major League Baseball player based on his penmanship instead of his batting average.
Typical Republicans would respond by being even more "neutral." Wrong. The response from a new administration should be to fire every single officer who was involved in the purge.
General James Mattoon Scott: Where are you now that we need you?
Glanz reviewed Soviet Archives. They are more complete than comparable German archives: Soviets used dual reporting chains provide reports of each action passed both up the command channels and up the Commisar channels.
His numbers:
14.5 million military deaths
35 million nonmilitary deaths.
11 million military deaths took place before Stalingrad.
Over a million 2nd Lieutenants. Who gets to be a 2nd Lieutenant? A bright young man with promise and some showing of responsibility.
Russia paid a high price for Stalin’s cooperation with Hitler.
I get emails from Military.com with various articles on issues. Todays was the big speech by the pig SecDEF calling for a reduction in pay for all military and cuts in everything else. Everyone else is suffering, thus those putting their lives on the line and those who have already paid an emotion and physical price of service should share in the suffering, which we are already suffering, and accept cuts in everything else like the deadbeats. Of course the deadbeats and the illegals made legal will get raises for their votes. Since the active duty military and retired military communities are tiny in comparison to those above, we are the ones to get the Big Green Winnie.
How can you tell?
Not on policy grounds.
I know this is a year old but her you will find a long list of who’s been purged
I thought might be too long to print