MSNBC anchor should look in the mirror and ask the question again
No, dumbass. We hate 0bamacare BECAUSE we love our country.
Crawl back under your rock.
i would have said, “because i love America, i hate Obamacare.”
Question 1 for the MSNBC anchor: “Why did you stop your education in the fifth grade?”
Question 2: “Why didn’t you tell your audience that you failed Econ 101?”
Question 3: “Did you get beyond grade school math?”
Question 4: “What would you do if you actually had to produce something of value?”
Thomas Roberts is a fudge packer.
“Mr. Roberts, when did you become a tool for the Bolsheviks?”
Insult for insult solves nothing. The perfect response is to call out the question’s premise: “Thank you for the question, MR. Roberts. I reject the premise of your question.” Then go on with something completely that dovetails the conversation but gets your points out.
Why would any non-GOPe ‘critter go on M$NBC?
The congresswoman must be very composed. They would have had to call security if some liberal media slug said that to me.
Right after the newscaster started having sex with little boys.
No Republican should EVER go on MSNBC for any reason.
The regulations are worse then we fear.
With HIPAA they “reinterpreted” the law & regulations. Making approximately 2 million more businesses subject to HIPAA laws.
That kind of flexibility is scary.
How does TH present this column WITHOUT TELLING US BLACKBURN’S RESPONSE???
One thing for sure. The America that Thomas Roberts and his ilk envisions and that I envision is worlds apart.
Thomas Roberts of PMSNBC is a apparently a chronic wanker whose self-abuse has infected his brain. Unfortunately, this nation is bogged down with chronic misfits like this clown!
Who in the hell watches PMSNBC excepting those ill-prepared voters who climb into the Democrat trucks that haul them to the polls like the farmer transports his hogs to the slaughterhouse.
PMSNBC commie POS.
Any Republican stupid enough to go on PMSNBC deserves what they get.
This is the same kind of bs you get from leftists all the time but let anyone dare question their patriotism when they degrade soldiers or create narratives that cast the military as just a bunch of thugs then they go screaming like stuck pigs about how unfair it is. I’m to the point that my response to this kind of assertion would be to kick the SOBs ass and with every kick and punch tell them “THIS IS HOW MUCH I LOVE AMERICA YOU SNIDE POS”.
Sorry but I am more than a little angry. I’m sick of the passive aggressive bs and double standards and tired of playing games where the game is rigged. There is a point at where you kick the cheating rigging bastards asses physically and make sure they NEVER try to rig the game again.
I was watching this series of Showtime called “Homeland” when whose image should appear on my tv screen? None other than that horrible MSLSD jerk Lawrence O’Donnell. He was interviewing a returning Marine captured by Al Qaeda. I knew right there that this series was tainted by liberals.
“Well that’s an absolutely stupid question but I expected to get them when I agreed to come on your show.”