Aside from Greta
I could give a damn
Megynocological shitestorm Kelly is way too shrill and hear me roar fembot for this southern traditionalist male
WHY I think it is big EPIC FAIL on Roger Alies part
I missed Sean’s announcement. He said earlier that he had an announcement about TV and radio. What was the radio announcement?
I watch the only two watchable shows on One America News with Graham Ledger and Rick Amato and so it will remain on the diet. I also watch Glenn Beck and Real News, since S.E. Cupp left and Ellison Barber is on it a lot. Guess I can add in greta iof I want or go to my radio talks how alternatives. Willkow is decent though. He tries to tackle stuff Glenn isn’t discussing that night.
Greta is ok
Blowhard O’Blowhard is awful
Kelly is a liberal
Hannity is RINO central
Shep was a ratings disaster.
Faux news tacks left. CNN lite. Ailes is mailing it in.
Megyn & Greta are both very smart and especially good with ins and outs of law. Greta has regular panelists on court cases who are very good and entertaining, as well as educational. I am a fan of both, but don’t women have a harder time carrying news shows then men? I listened to Sean Hannity on the radio today talk about his 10pm show, and to me it is a demotion - at least on the East Coast. Doesn’t Fox skew older? Do people want Sean at 10pm at night? Maybe I am getting old, but I like to wind down at 10.
Not only is her hot, shes damn smart too. Plus she is an excellent interviewer. I am looking forward to her new time slot.