The problem is that the patient will still have to purchase insurance. So now you have to pay cash for a doctor and also have to have insurance which you can not use.
But if you purchase insurance to cover a catastrophic surgery or hospital stay only, it will be much cheaper. You pay for doctor visits and medicine out of your own pocket. Just like you used to.
Actually, it has some potential as a gap-filler. You pay the fine and the cash primary care payment and they still add up to less than the “comprehensive” insurance would cost you. Then if you get really sick, you take advantage of the “shall issue” provision in Obamacare and get insurance for the period of your illness. Looks like there’ll be a new job market for people to go to the hospital and do “on the spot” insurance sign-ups.
Those who don't want the feds controlling their bodies can pay the "tax" to opt out.
I've said all along that Obamacare is going to create a two-tiered system. One tier will pay to opt out, have doctors who refuse Obamacare patients and will pay their own bills. The other tier will be stuck with whatever health care the feds decide to give them.
My question is if those who opt out can still get a catastrophic-only insurance policy with a high deductible that does not cover all of the stuff in Obamacare.
ANY politician that says, "Well, all you have to do is ... " or, "I propose that we should ... " or any of a number of other woos answers is an enemy.
The plan has been read ... it is understood ... thinking men see it cannot work ... so whomever does nothing to actually eliminate ... erase .. obamacare ... WANTS us enslaved and THEY want to be our masters.
Kind of like paying mello roos taxes and sending your kids to private school.
The individual is not required ever to purchase “health insurance”. Instead, payment of an annual fine in lieu of approved “health insurance” (really a protection racket) is a viable option for a while, until the fines get as high as actually buying the “health insurance” coverage.
In Islamic countries this is called “jizya”, a tax on the Dhimmi class paid to the Islamic authorities. You are allowed to not practice the Islamic religion, but only at a price.