Posted on 08/21/2013 7:22:22 AM PDT by Perdogg
Edited on 08/21/2013 7:34:58 AM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
FORT MEADE, Md. A military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for giving a trove of military and diplomatic secrets to the website WikiLeaks.
According to the indictment, not much. Snowden is being charges under the Espionage Act.
Dang. But it’s not espionage if someone in the military does it? Like the Walker family?
*foosh* What a frikkin’ double standard.
I have read so many books that concern “spies” and “leaks” and “espionage” that I no longer believe that those in charge of keeping America safe are really interested in their jobs.
My own late husband worked in the aerospace industry after his military service and he would NEVER divulge ANY secrets he held. When did that stop?
And now:
“...Bradley Manning plans to live as a woman named Chelsea and wants to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible, the soldier said Thursday, a day after being sentenced to 35 years in prison for sending classified material to WikiLeaks....”
She/it will be out in 5 years.
Nahhhhh, take this little fruitcake and let him wear a wig and short skirt and high hells and make him cellmates with Hassan in Leavenworth, for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's not been very shy about declaring his orientation and demanding sexual reassignment hormone therapy and surgery. The army won't do that so he's gonna be in for a lot of rough trade at the hands of the brutes in his cellblock. He'll die of AIDS in prison.
Any brass who gives a snot-nosed and *mentally disturbed* kid like Manning access to information of national importance is as liable as the kid himself.
Good Lord Almighty man, this is the ARMY! You know, killing people, breaking things, guarding information that could start anything from mass panic to SHOOTING WARS if the wrong mouthbreathers got their eyeballs on it?
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