Thank you for your patriotism and for speaking tonight in Richmond. Best of luck for a rousing speech and successful event!
Good luck.
Thank you tbm
you sir are a Great American Patriot !!!
you sir are on my top 10 list of current day american heros.
God bless
God speed.
Good luck and God bless you.
You better be careful.
According to the mediots at MSNBC they will want to lynch you as soon as you come in the door..............;^)
Virginia Ping
We were lied to in 1986, we are being lied to now. I am sure one of their favorite things, is to play the race card. This is all about destroying American culture, and creating permanent, one party Democrat/socialist/communist/muslim rule. GO FOR IT, and don't give the basta--- an even break. us proud, and remind them...this 20-30 million is really 40-60 million when the “family” gets here....ALL WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE, within a year if Schumer gets his way (and he will). If the last general election is any indication of future elections, we’re in deep trouble.
Good luck. You do a great job when I’ve seen & heard you in the media.
This is not about "race" but about following the rule of law, and applying it equally to those wishing to come to America the right way.
Posted on Monday, August 12, 2013 12:34:22 PM by Trueblackman
The Virginia Tea Party Patriots have invited me to speak before them along with the Executive Director of the Black American Leadership Alliance(BALA) and Congressmen Peter King on the dangers of amnesty.
As a member of the BALA, I have committed myself to fighting against amnesty as we were lied to in 1986, when we were told it was a one time deal! The Pro-Amnesty Forces have been using all types of misleading tactics and bald-face lies to achieve their goal of open border and amnesty for all.
The Pro-Amnesty are using every underhanded tactic to get the Senate Bill into conference and come out with a bill that puts illegals first and Americans last!
Jefferson Park
2100 Jefferson Ave.
Richmond Va.
6-8 P.M.
Good Luck and thank you very much.
good luck!
should we twitter bomb for you this evening!
Best of luck to you and thank you for your patriotism! Wish I could hear it. If someone tapes it, be sure to post a link where we can see it!
Demonstrating against amnesty.
Give em hell homey... Stand up tall..
Not all dark people are moonbats..
let everyone know what a trueblackman looks and sounds like..
Way to go best of luck.
If you have a black audience be sure and tell them that black unemployment among teenagers is really high.
Amnesty will make it much much worse.
Thank you for your patriotism, Trueblackman.
We are just a bit too far away to make your speech this evening, but we wish you well in your efforts to sound the alarm klaxons to your audience.
Please do publish your speech on YouTube and ping those who posted that they are unable to attend.
Thank you for the pings, LucyT and stephenjohnbanker.